OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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WRT DWS, the DNC and HRC: To me the answer is for the DNC (and Hillary campaign) to 1. admit and recognize that there was a problem, 2. agree that it needs to be addressed and vow to address, 3. set a time AFTER THE ELECTION to address it . That will help table the discussion for now, and return the focus to winning this election. Bernie needs to 1) do what he can to help the above 3 occur, 2) if they occur, (and I guess even if they don't, but that would be sad), rally the troops by vowing to make sure the DNC promises are kept, and vowing to do everything in his power to deny the white house to trump.
How about you show me one who doesn't lie?

Apparently you care if Trump is or is not a politician, you said he wasn't. If you want to say he isn't a career politician that's one thing, but he is a politician.

I know you are but, what am I?

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Haven't been watching. What's the track list for

NOW! That's what I call music! 2016 DNC Addition

been so far?
I've only watched primetime but it's mostly been a bunch of party drones, Espanol, and some well produced Trump montages and "humorous" Hillary promo videos. There was a girl who talked about disabilities re: Trump vs. Hillary who was very good. Al Franken was good. Sarah Silverman came out to do a Bernie or Bust shaming/unity spiel to very loud BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE. She then said the Bernie or Bust people are being ridiculous, which was a pretty dumb thing to do.

It's already a billion times more competent, less weird, and less hateful than the entire RNC. OTOH, it's mostly a bunch of Obama bullshit.
I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

Everybody's searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
Because they can't even stand up to that fat fuck Rush Limbaugh. You want them to do something based on their conscience? Their conscience has a price.

The flaw in your logic is that you're assuming they have a conscience.
when i think about it, about the time rush started to become well known was about the same time the wheels started coming off the gop clown bus.

That and Fox News. Fox started in the late 90s, but didn't become hugely successful until 9/11. Which is about the time the party took a nose dive.
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