OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I know a couple people who've met & talked to him at length and they both said he is like a walking encyclopedia and can intelligently converse on just about any subject.

Yeah, he graduated from Georgetown, was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford and graduated from Yale law school. I'd say he is pretty smart.
Yeah, he graduated from Georgetown, was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford and graduated from Yale law school. I'd say he is pretty smart.
not to put too fine a point on it, but bill never completed the program. he left during his last year to go protest the vietnam war in the USSR. just sayin'
not to put too fine a point on it, but bill never completed the program. he left during his last year to go protest the vietnam war in the USSR. just sayin'

Yeah, but completing it, isn't really the point. You have to be selected for it and it isn't like he failed out. He left, protested, then graduated from Yale law school. Still far better than you or I did :grin:
not to put too fine a point on it, but bill never completed the program. he left during his last year to go protest the vietnam war in the USSR. just sayin'

I didn't realize that England was part of the USSR in 1969. Just goes to show how ignorant I am...
But he said he would. This is shocking!

Because Drumpf has always been a man of his word.... :rolleyes:

He is even being sued by the little girl dancers who performed at one of his rallys because he didn't pay them the $2500 they were promised. Hopefully he doesn't send his jackbooted suits to "renegotiate" their deal like the Atlantic City builder who was screwed out of his money for the building he designed and built.
I wonder how many Trump supporters were the same people demanding to see Obama's "long form" birth certificate. Along with a film of the birth with Don Ho music in the background and a nurse holding up a local newspaper.

And are they okay with Trump's stance on this issue? Hmm?
I wonder how many Trump supporters were the same people demanding to see Obama's "long form" birth certificate. Along with a film of the birth with Don Ho music in the background and a nurse holding up a local newspaper.

And are they okay with Trump's stance on this issue? Hmm?

It's like one of my right wing friends having a post on FB regarding Bill Clinton's affair... I pointed out that it likely won't be used to fight in this election since Drumpf cheated on Wife #1 with eventual Wife #2 and cheated on Wife #2 with eventual current wife... and then bragged about it. Classy "Family Values" candidate, isn't he? :facepalm:
I wonder how many Trump supporters were the same people demanding to see Obama's "long form" birth certificate. Along with a film of the birth with Don Ho music in the background and a nurse holding up a local newspaper.

And are they okay with Trump's stance on this issue? Hmm?

They all seemed to be fine with Rafael Cruz being born in Canada.
It's like one of my right wing friends having a post on FB regarding Bill Clinton's affair... I pointed out that it likely won't be used to fight in this election since Drumpf cheated on Wife #1 with eventual Wife #2 and cheated on Wife #2 with eventual current wife... and then bragged about it. Classy "Family Values" candidate, isn't he? :facepalm:

Yeah, I added what people would say if Clinton took the stage with her 5 children by 3 different men. I'm sure the Trump backers would be just fine with that. :grin:
Trump today...

"I think Russia should hack the FBI and leak all info on HRC"
"Obama is the most ignorant president in US history"

Not even bothering with the dog-whistle at this point.
When will I stop having the Nigel Tufnel reaction to the Shark Sandwich review everytime I see a new Trump quote or something said on Fox News.

Trump today...

"I think Russia should hack the FBI and leak all info on HRC"
"Obama is the most ignorant president in US history"

Not even bothering with the dog-whistle at this point.

I've finally decided he's totally insane. Before I thought it was part bluster, part a proud lack of any sort of intellectual interests or abilities. Now I think he's out of his mind.
I wonder how many Trump supporters were the same people demanding to see Obama's "long form" birth certificate. Along with a film of the birth with Don Ho music in the background and a nurse holding up a local newspaper.

And are they okay with Trump's stance on this issue? Hmm?

THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA !!!!!!!:mad::eek::embarrassed::gah:made it all up.cop0

Slavery was inhumane. Slavery was sadistic. Slavery was uncomfortable. Slavery was unjust. Slavery was a nightmare. Slavery was a despicable act. Slavery is the pebble whose ripple in the river still resonates on and on and on and on. I’d like to think most of you have common sense. But there is nothing more dangerous than a man in a suit pretending to be a journalist giving revisionist history on the ugliness that was slavery.​
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