OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Trump to get millions from sale of New York housing complex

That's a huge complex in East New York. Which surprisingly, is the next up and coming area in Brooklyn. De Blasio has been pumping millions into the area since he was elected. Trump only owns 4%, so yeah, he makes a profit. But the ownership group selling now means they lose out on billions in profits in the next decade.
I managed to get called an anti-Semitic fuckwit today by a Trump sucking bigot on a hate campaign because I asked why Isreal gets to have a "secret" nuclear arsenal with no oversight.

Also, apparently...

ISIS is gone.

Trump brought peace to the Koreas.

The economy is the best it's ever been.

Unemployment no longer exists.


Why can't we get the Trump supporting Nazis to fight the Trump supporting Israel backers (evangelicals I suppose) and create huge casualties on both sides?

Controversy surrounding Cohen’s shell company comes into sharper focus
Michael Cohen’s shell company started off as one kind of thing. Shortly before Election Day 2016, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer created Essential Consultants LLC to pay hush money to a porn star who allegedly had an affair with the future president. It wasn’t a business in the traditional sense – there was no office or staff – but Essential Consultants LLC was a vehicle for a payoff.

We learned this week, however, that Cohen’s shell company turned out to be much more. Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels’ attorney, released materials showing a series of payments Essential Consultants LLC received from all sorts of entities, and yesterday, those corporations started confirming the payments – along with some curious explanations as to why.


AT&T initially claimed it paid Cohen’s one-person shell company for help with regulatory reform and tax reform, before it too changed its story. Novartis Pharmaceuticals also had a series of explanations, one of which was that Cohen was paid to provide health care consulting services.

While all of this had an entertaining farcical quality, it was hard not to wonder how some of these giant multi-national corporations even heard of a one-person LLC in Delaware. That came into focus yesterday, too.

President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, contacted the drug giant Novartis after the 2016 election “promising access” to the new administration, and special counsel Robert Mueller later requested information from the company about the offer, a senior official inside Novartis told NBC News on Wednesday.

Cohen “contacted us after the new administration was in place,” the official said. “He was promising access to the new administration.” Novartis then signed a one-year, $1.2 million contract with Cohen.

Oh. So it sounds as if Trump’s personal lawyer collected big checks through his shell company because he was, in effect, selling influence with his client in the Oval Office.

At this point, what we know for sure about this story appears problematic, but there are still plenty of questions that need answers. Where did all of the money to Cohen’s shell company go? Did he have other LLCs? What did Essential Consultants LLC’s corporate clients get in exchange for their investments?

Did the president have any involvement with any aspect of Cohen’s “business”?

And how many of Cohen’s clients have had chats with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team? At a minimum we know AT&T and Novartis said yesterday they’ve cooperated with the federal investigation. There’s also Columbus Nova, a U.S.-based firm with ties to Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, and as NBC News reported, Vekselberg was searched and questioned by agents working for Mueller when he got off a plane in the U.S. earlier this year.
honestly i don't believe what the companies are saying in response at all. wouldn't it be much easier for them to say cohen was useless rather than say well yes he did in fact help us out quite a bit. it sounds exactly like don jr saying the meeting in trump tower was fruitless. of course they would say that instead of telling the truth.

at&t is getting their merger. that south korean company got a big govt contract.

its also foolish to think the money cohen collected never got to trump.
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