OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Auto industry, right? Our household has similar experiences, although for slightly different reasons.

really? :(

are there specific changes that have been made by 'the regime' that has caused this decline?

Yup...Mazda store. Political instability leads to consumer uncertainty and large “durable goods” purchases tend to feel that effect somewhat disproportionately.

I’m sure things will be fine.

*drinks bleach*
Personally (with my complete lack of objective facts to back this up) I feel like the “economic good times” aren’t reaching everyone, and that some folks are also nervous about what’s going regardless of unemployment and the stock market.

Real unemployment is still around 8%. Wages are mostly stagnant. There are some states where minimum wage is going up, and that's certainly helping, but overall salaries aren't going up, and that's difficult. There's certainly plenty of jobs out there, but many of them aren't being filled for lack of qualified candidates. At some point, companies will have to lower their standards, or pay more to attract the talent they're looking for. But that hasn't happened yet.
it suddenly dawned on me...the USofA is one big forum for trump and he is really just a troll. It's how he gets his "kicks" . he trolls the forum and sits back and snickers everytime one of the forumites bites.....
and the media are the counter trolls, that get the troll all worked up.

so the question is: if we turn it off and back on again, will the whole country reset?
(where's the plug?)
Personally (with my complete lack of objective facts to back this up) I feel like the “economic good times” aren’t reaching everyone, and that some folks are also nervous about what’s going regardless of unemployment and the stock market.

I don't think the "economic good times" are hitting anyone but the insanely rich. Some of us are just saying fuck savings and a 401k, spend it all because we'll all be dead by the time this guy gets out of office :grin:

After new revelations about President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, broke, what did the president’s favorite morning show, Fox & Friends, cover in their 3 hour broadcast?

Therapy goats at the University of Maine constitutes headline news at Fox, according to non-profit research and information group Media Matters for America. Also of national importance? Cheerleading and Melania Trump’s popularity ratings.

Media Matters Reveals What Stories ‘Fox & Friends’ Covered This Morning Instead of Michael Cohen Payments

Taking bribes from AT&T is a common practice among celebrities and the wealthy.
Though it is cheaper for my family to stay with them, it makes me tempted to switch to Verizon. Verizon's service is marginally (only marginally) better around here. But has not been worth it to me due to the increased cost. This crap could change my mind.
Though it is cheaper for my family to stay with them, it makes me tempted to switch to Verizon. Verizon's service is marginally (only marginally) better around here. But has not been worth it to me due to the increased cost. This crap could change my mind.

I'm kinda shocked how my T-Mobile speeds were better than Verizon, the coverage was just a lot worse.

After new revelations about President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, broke, what did the president’s favorite morning show, Fox & Friends, cover in their 3 hour broadcast?

Therapy goats at the University of Maine constitutes headline news at Fox, according to non-profit research and information group Media Matters for America. Also of national importance? Cheerleading and Melania Trump’s popularity ratings.

Media Matters Reveals What Stories ‘Fox & Friends’ Covered This Morning Instead of Michael Cohen Payments

Media Matters receives funding from, so obviously they're just another part of the George Soros globalist conspiracy.
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