OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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The entire candidate section of the voter pamphlet is comic gold. It's so bad Gavin Newsom didn't even bother to write an entry so he wouldn't be lumped in with the nutjobs.
I miss Lee Mercer Jr., who ran for president in 2008.


Here are Lee's "70 Reasons" that he was running for office. This is real-life stuff, pulled from his official website at the time. rotflmao
Who was the nut job that ran for president years ago who promised to make the US government fess up to alien visitors, bigfoot, and a slew of other conspiracy theories? He had an entertaining web site.
Controversy surrounding Cohen’s shell company comes into sharper focus
Michael Cohen’s shell company started off as one kind of thing. Shortly before Election Day 2016, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer created Essential Consultants LLC to pay hush money to a porn star who allegedly had an affair with the future president. It wasn’t a business in the traditional sense – there was no office or staff – but Essential Consultants LLC was a vehicle for a payoff.

We learned this week, however, that Cohen’s shell company turned out to be much more. Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels’ attorney, released materials showing a series of payments Essential Consultants LLC received from all sorts of entities, and yesterday, those corporations started confirming the payments – along with some curious explanations as to why.


AT&T initially claimed it paid Cohen’s one-person shell company for help with regulatory reform and tax reform, before it too changed its story. Novartis Pharmaceuticals also had a series of explanations, one of which was that Cohen was paid to provide health care consulting services.

While all of this had an entertaining farcical quality, it was hard not to wonder how some of these giant multi-national corporations even heard of a one-person LLC in Delaware. That came into focus yesterday, too.

President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, contacted the drug giant Novartis after the 2016 election “promising access” to the new administration, and special counsel Robert Mueller later requested information from the company about the offer, a senior official inside Novartis told NBC News on Wednesday.

Cohen “contacted us after the new administration was in place,” the official said. “He was promising access to the new administration.” Novartis then signed a one-year, $1.2 million contract with Cohen.

Oh. So it sounds as if Trump’s personal lawyer collected big checks through his shell company because he was, in effect, selling influence with his client in the Oval Office.

At this point, what we know for sure about this story appears problematic, but there are still plenty of questions that need answers. Where did all of the money to Cohen’s shell company go? Did he have other LLCs? What did Essential Consultants LLC’s corporate clients get in exchange for their investments?

Did the president have any involvement with any aspect of Cohen’s “business”?

And how many of Cohen’s clients have had chats with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team? At a minimum we know AT&T and Novartis said yesterday they’ve cooperated with the federal investigation. There’s also Columbus Nova, a U.S.-based firm with ties to Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, and as NBC News reported, Vekselberg was searched and questioned by agents working for Mueller when he got off a plane in the U.S. earlier this year.
A copy of Michael Avenatti's paper:

Hours into his new job, Trump’s ambassador to Germany offends his hosts

Lol. The Swiss are also planning to stick to the UN Iran deal, regardless of what the orange moron decides to do. Germany, France and England also want to stick with the plan. If everyone else in the world stays in the agreement, it can still work, except that the US doesn't get a chance to sell shit in Iran. I bet Boeing is thrilled about Trump's plans, as they are losing a fuck ton of airplane sales.

For the life of me, I can't understand why Trump and Co. think the Iran nuclear proliferation deal is so bad. By all accounts it seems to be working for all parties involved. I think Shithead just wants to believe the Hannity bullshit about the money we paid for the deal and sees it is as bad business....and by paid I mean the Iranian funds we had confiscated and then gave back as part of the deal.
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He didn't like that it ended in ten years so of course the best plan is to back out now because that's how you build trust and get your way right?

He just backs out of things with no alternative plan. We backed out of tpp and now China is raking in the profits.
Lol. The Swiss are also planning to stick to the UN Iran deal, regardless of what the orange moron decides to do. Germany, France and England also want to stick with the plan. If everyone else in the world stays in the agreement, it can still work, except that the US doesn't get a chance to sell shit in Iran. I bet Boeing is thrilled about Trump's plans, as they are losing a fuck ton of airplane sales.

For the life of me, I can't understand why Trump and Co. think the Iran nuclear proliferation deal is so bad. By all accounts it seems to be working for all parties involved. I think Shithead just wants to believe the Hannity bullshit about the money we paid for the deal and sees it is as bad business....and by paid I mean the Iranian funds we had confiscated and then gave back as part of the deal.
It has nothing to do with anything other than Obama did it. Like why did he have to undo the executive order to ban people on the no-fly list from buying guns? On what planet is that bad, even by GOP standards?
It has nothing to do with anything other than Obama did it. Like why did he have to undo the executive order to ban people on the no-fly list from buying guns? On what planet is that bad, even by GOP standards?

muslim obama
crooked hillary
no collusion!!
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