OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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that time he went on fox news and lied about not having any idea about these raises.

"He admitted he knew about the five-figure raises to Millan Hupp and Sarah Greenwalt, two of his longtime aides from Oklahoma who now work at EPA. The raises, granted through a special loophole after the White House rejected the request, drew criticism after Pruitt stammered and struggled to defend the action in a high-profile Fox News interview. "
I posted an article several pages back going through all that. The simple answer is yes for future crimes or ongoing crimes. Past conduct that is disclosed by a client to an attorney is a different matter. Sometimes the lines can get blurred. But in most cases, it is pretty clear.
What if Cohen was an accomplice in the crime that he was being raided for?
I'm waiting for the "Fox & Friends is part of the corporate conspiracy to impeach Trump" crazies. That should be entertaining.
It will start here:
Fox & Friends Shuts Down Trump Interview as He Begins Ranting About Mueller - Vanity Fair

:thu: I like this one from basically says Trump is batshit coo coo for Cocopuffs crazy and rambled on incoherently like a lunatic who had quit taking his a Hobo proctologist doing exams under the bridge *spits*

There's this...

" .........President Donald Trump launched into a disjointed rant that revealed his mind to be a frightening and chaotic place.

There, he is practically perfect and just about everyone is out to get him.
The hosts' smiles turned to sober looks of concern as a decompensating Trump lurched from one topic to the next....."

and then there's this....

"Trump's paranoia, a lifelong trait that he has admitted is part of his makeup, was so evident in his monologue that it constitutes a case study in delusion."

also this.....

"Indeed, no medical degree is required to recognize that the President had gone off the rails."
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