OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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A depo of Trump, by even a mediocre attorney who had some decent prep work done by decent paralegals or legal secretaries or interns would at least be able to annihilate any credibility as a witness Trump would have on really anything. And probably would result in some new admissions and revelations. But it would then require some additional work to see if the new statements made by Trump under oath held any water. It would be both a gold mine and a train wreck. Watch out for body parts! And I really take no pleasure in saying this. Not really good for the ol' USofA.

If Trump supporters watched that, and/or read a transcript, I cannot imagine how they could continue to support the guy. But I guess they are so deep in their beliefs they cannot see the evidence or come to grips with it or something.
when you have preachers telling their congregations that trump was sent here by the lord to save america (and of course they believe that), you will never get them to believe anything else. he's doing god's work!!!!! (no matter what it is).
hookers? part of the plan. lying tweet storms? part of the plan. flip flopping like a convulsing frog? part of the plan. russians? part of the plan.
anything that goes against him is obviously lies and frame ups.
unfortunately, a large chunk of americans are actually that f'ing stupid.
when you have preachers telling their congregations that trump was sent here by the lord to save america (and of course they believe that), you will never get them to believe anything else. he's doing god's work!!!!! (no matter what it is).
hookers? part of the plan. lying tweet storms? part of the plan. flip flopping like a convulsing frog? part of the plan. russians? part of the plan.
anything that goes against him is obviously lies and frame ups.
unfortunately, a large chunk of americans are actually that f'ing stupid.

I respectfully disagree.

A large chunk are even stupider than you're giving them credit for.
when you have preachers telling their congregations that trump was sent here by the lord to save america (and of course they believe that), you will never get them to believe anything else. he's doing god's work!!!!! (no matter what it is).
hookers? part of the plan. lying tweet storms? part of the plan. flip flopping like a convulsing frog? part of the plan. russians? part of the plan.
anything that goes against him is obviously lies and frame ups.
unfortunately, a large chunk of americans are actually that f'ing stupid.
Or scarier than that, "Yeah, maybe he is flawed. But we didn't vote for him for that." (subtext, he is pursuing our agenda to enforce our view of white jesus, along with all these other pedophile and crook preachers on TV).
So just today in talking to Fox and Friends we have Trump admitting that Cohen represented him in the Stormy Daniels (which he had previously denied) and that he stayed overnight in Moscow for the alleged golden shower event. I think Muller just needs to set up a deposition as part of an episode of Fox and Friends.

I'm waiting for the "Fox & Friends is part of the corporate conspiracy to impeach Trump" crazies. That should be entertaining.
i think to support trump you just need a 12 hour memory (or less). anything he said beyond that window is forgotten and whatever he just said is the gospel. you trust him completely and anything anyone says negative about him is fake. you probably aren't gay or transgendered so it doesn't bother you his policies are going after those people. you probably don't seek news sources outside of your comfort level so you really don't see what is happening.
95% of the people who voted for him are just born trolls who get a kick out of the idea that he winds up liberals so much. They don't care about policy, they don't care about any possible misdeeds, they love the fact that "snowflakes" are bent out of shape over him and the more he does to throw them into a tizzy the better. If they haven't jumped ship by now they never will.
95% of the people who voted for him are just born trolls who get a kick out of the idea that he winds up liberals so much. They don't care about policy, they don't care about any possible misdeeds, they love the fact that "snowflakes" are bent out of shape over him and the more he does to throw them into a tizzy the better. If they haven't jumped ship by now they never will.
They are currently off to "Roll coal" on some bicyclist.
one would think, that having as many 'skeletons' in the closet as this guy does, he'd simply decline to be nominated. but NOOOOOO!! dig in your heels and fight the tide.
everyone knew this was coming.:facepalm:

Ronny Jackson withdraws as Trump’s nominee to lead Veterans Affairs

"Ronny L. Jackson, President Trump’s embattled nominee to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs, withdrew from consideration Thursday amid mushrooming allegations of professional misconduct that raised questions about the White House vetting process."
[clearly he suffers from the same delusional "i'm perfect" syndrome that cheeto does. dig those heels in]

“The allegations against me are completely false and fabricated,” Jackson, the White House physician, said in a defiant statement. “If they had any merit, I would not have been selected, promoted and entrusted to serve in such a sensitive and important role as physician to three presidents over the past 12 years.”
[ever heard of the peter principle, moron?]

"The allegations were contained in a two-page document described by the Democratic staff of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee as a summary of interviews with 23 of Jackson’s current and former colleagues. The document also described Jackson’s “pattern” of handing out medication with no patient history, writing himself prescriptions and contributing to a hostile work environment with “a constant fear of reprisal.”
[of course, they're all lying. deep state. giant conspiracy by crooked Hillary.]
Following the withdrawal of Dr. Ronny Jackson, I am pleased to nominate Kanye West to head the Department of Veterans' Affairs. Kanye has been very nice to me and will bring a terrific Dragon Energy to the role. #MAGA
Sincerely, DJT
95% of the people who voted for him are just born trolls who get a kick out of the idea that he winds up liberals so much. They don't care about policy, they don't care about any possible misdeeds, they love the fact that "snowflakes" are bent out of shape over him and the more he does to throw them into a tizzy the better. If they haven't jumped ship by now they never will.
i think there are a lot of folks that voted for him & support him, not so much because they believe in him or necessarily like his policies. they support him because he's NOT A DEMOCRAT. period.
95% of the people who voted for him are just born trolls who get a kick out of the idea that he winds up liberals so much. They don't care about policy, they don't care about any possible misdeeds, they love the fact that "snowflakes" are bent out of shape over him and the more he does to throw them into a tizzy the better. If they haven't jumped ship by now they never will.

Yep. The fact that Kanye...and even Chance with his support of full-on DRAGON ENERGY with MAGA-tron just shows how boring and corny beige “reasonable” center-right establishment liberalism looks to people looking to fuck shit up or have a good time. White-collar, corporate “politically correct” HR values are profoundly unappealing for a lot of people. They don’t offer the zing that nihilism and trolling provide.

The Democrats are boring and they have a boring message. Establishment Republicans are DOA. The alt-right and trollverse types are the counterculture.

The left needs to focus on building a better counterculture vs. obsessing over Trump and what the media is saying and trying to make 8th grade science demonstrations seem cool to prove that NPR blandness is hep and with it. #marchforboredom

Win the hearts and minds. Sell some sizzle. Jim Comey is no kind of culture hero. Kendrick won a boring old Pulitzer. Everyone clutches their pearls over everything. Snooze. Give the people something worth believing in vs. just promoting diversity in Disney products to expand the market share and pretending like this is the end of history and the dawning of a new age.
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does another one bite the dust?

Lawmakers from both parties quickly tell Scott Pruitt he has to address damaging reports

"The subcommittee’s top Democrat, Rep. Paul Tonko (N.Y.), delivered a harsh fusillade as Pruitt looked on impassively with a few of his top aides seated behind him. After ticking off several charges about the administrator’s personal financial dealings and professional decisions, Tonko said, “And in almost all cases, the more we have learned, the worse they get.”

"He concluded by telling Pruitt, “You have failed as a steward of American taxpayer dollars and of the environment.”

"Rep. Frank Pallone Jr. (N.J.), the Energy and Commerce’s top Democrat, quickly informed the administrator, “You are unfit to hold public office, and you are undeserving of the public trust,” adding that with any other White House, he would “be long gone.”
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