OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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What really amazed me is that he’s clearly still upset that he lost the popular vote, so he brought up his electoral college win multiple times. It makes me wonder how many house Republicans have asked him to chill out because his overall unpopularity is going to cost them seats in November.
What really amazed me is that he’s clearly still upset that he lost the popular vote, so he brought up his electoral college win multiple times. It makes me wonder how many house Republicans have asked him to chill out because his overall unpopularity is going to cost them seats in November.
they don't ask him anything. they cower and shit themselves, because the alt-right assholes are the ones who elect the gop congress too.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

WOW is an understatement. I only skimmed through it so far but damn !!!!Very uncomfortable. This is a madman who became unhinged into a spiral of insanity right on the boob tube!
and HE is in control of the nuclear weapons!!
the faces of the fox n friends hosts is the best. its like they are finally realizing and are mortified they are supporting such a nut job. you can see them in real time wondering if the paycheck is really worth it.
the faces of the fox n friends hosts is the best. its like they are finally realizing and are mortified they are supporting such a nut job. you can see them in real time wondering if the paycheck is really worth it.
which then begs the question: how in THE fuck are there still people working with him in the whitehouse? what kind of special fucktard does it take to keep working there?
the faces of the fox n friends hosts is the best. its like they are finally realizing and are mortified they are supporting such a nut job. you can see them in real time wondering if the paycheck is really worth it.

They couldn't care less about the fact that the President is unhinged. What they care about is whether there's going to be any fallout from what should have been an easy fluff piece, and how much of the fallout is going to stick to them.
we have our ohio primaries on may 8th. and the governorship is up for grabs, kasich is getting termed out. so senator mike dewine and lt. gov. mary taylor are slugging it out on tv every day/night with their shit slinging ads. and BOTH of them are blaming each other for voting with/agreeing with hillary clinton.

the republicans are STILL running against crooked hillary, even on the state level. it's pathetic. and dewine's ad is claiming that taylor used tax payer money for personal use and "that's not what REAL conservatives do". i almost spit beer across the room. what the fuck are you talking about? that's EXACTLY what conservatives do. rotflmao
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