OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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But of course:

McConnell blocks bipartisan legislation to protect special counsel
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that he would block bipartisan legislation intended to protect special counsel Robert S. Mueller III from being fired by President Trump.

“I'm the one who decides what we take to the floor,” McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, told Fox News, adding, “We will not be having this on the floor of the Senate.”
Other than Trump and Pence, that guy pisses me off the most. Even more than big eared Opie over in the other House.
But of course:

McConnell blocks bipartisan legislation to protect special counsel
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that he would block bipartisan legislation intended to protect special counsel Robert S. Mueller III from being fired by President Trump.

“I'm the one who decides what we take to the floor,” McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, told Fox News, adding, “We will not be having this on the floor of the Senate.”
So, now McConnell has gone from "I don't think Mueller needs protection" to "I'm not going to let anyone protect Mueller" in the course of a week. Surprise, surprise. He is such a piece of shit! At this point, I believe that McConnell and Ryan are much more evil than Shitler. Shitler just seems like a dumb animal, doing what he has always done, whereas Ryan and McConnell masquerade as intelligent, responsible agents of the government right up until the instant that they are called upon to do the right thing, or put country over party, and they aggressively fail every time. :mad:
So, now McConnell has gone from "I don't think Mueller needs protection" to "I'm not going to let anyone protect Mueller" in the course of a week. Surprise, surprise. He is such a piece of shit! At this point, I believe that McConnell and Ryan are much more evil than Shitler. Shitler just seems like a dumb animal, doing what he has always done, whereas Ryan and McConnell masquerade as intelligent, responsible agents of the government right up until the instant that they are called upon to do the right thing, or put country over party, and they aggressively fail every time. :mad:
Oh, they're not failing. They're succeeding in exactly what they want to do.
Trump didn't campaign on doing the right thing or being a decent human being. He did campaign on caring about America, but only an America that subjugates minorities and the poor.
They are all garbage people, and now the holdouts are the ones who are just like Trump, constitutionally incapable of ever admitting that they could be wrong about anything. It's weird to find out that something like that is a core, defining characteristic of people you thought you knew.
They are all garbage people, and now the holdouts are the ones who are just like Trump, constitutionally incapable of ever admitting that they could be wrong about anything. It's weird to find out that something like that is a core, defining characteristic of people you thought you knew.

Nah. People are awful. It's just a matter of how.
A real question.

What development do you think would have to occur for supporters of Trump-style politicians to change their support?
Heat death of the universe.
Lol, pretty much. I notice there are a few categories of Trumpkins breaking loose at this point. There are the ones who adher to a strict Conservative ideology of one sort or the other, like Anne Coulter, who end up feeling betrayed when Trump does something random, so they are starting to turn against him. There are the religious idiots, who so far seem pretty impervious to any of his sins. Some may turn if an abortion scandal came out, or video of some gay sex thing, but there are probably a lot of psychos in that category who will never turn against him. I highly doubt if any of the NeverKillary whackjobs will ever turn on him either. Then there are the idiots who are pretty much exactly like him, personality and character-wise.
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A real question.

What development do you think would have to occur for supporters of Trump-style politicians to change their support?

If "Christians" are abandoning their principles to embrace a pussy-grabber, I would say nothing could happen to change their support. They are mostly against black and woman presidents and Mexicans theoretically coming to the US (most of the anti-immigration people live in all white communities).

It's called racism and don't be fooled into thinking there's other issues.
Failing to do the right thing and be a decent human being who actually cares about America!
Oh, I never said they were even remotely looking out for the little guy now.

I'm convinced if they were even slightly trying to even fake that they would have a D in front of their name.
Barbara Bush has been a constant confliction in my view. She gave birth to a plague named Dubya. She also showed remarkable compassion towards those suffering with AIDS in a time when most people avoided them. She showed strength and composure. Anyone who has read astronaut Mike Mulane's book, Riding Rockets, learned that she was fun to be around, just like one of the guys.

During an interview she made these remarks about her interactions with Hurricane Katrina refugees quartered in the Astrodome:
"Almost everyone I’ve talked to says, ‘We’re going to move to Houston.’ What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.
And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them."

Just like her husband, after 8 years of Nancy, anybody would be better.
A real question.

What development do you think would have to occur for supporters of Trump-style politicians to change their support?

The parallels are probably Nixon and Clinton. Nixon’s support from the base crumbled when it turned out there were audio tapes of him behaving like a gangster. Still, some of your hard hat type hardliners thought that Nixon was still king badass sticking it to the man and getting shit done...and those people were basically balls of grievances in man suits and wouldn’t be changed. But the tapes—and his childish game of keepaway with the tapes sank Nixon.

Democrats were less willing to abandon Bill. You still hear “all he did was get a blow job” from folks. But Clinton did likely cost Gore a decisive victory...which allowed W to weasel in. I’m not certain why Dems continue to fawn over Clinton who was in many ways a DINO whose Blue Dog ways are way less appealing in hindsight.
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