OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I've met Joe Crowley. He just busted up the IDC in the state senate, and demoted my own state senator within the party ranks in the process, so he knows how to stand firm and make a deal where everyone goes home miserable. In that regard, he should be a fine successor to Pelosi. OTOH, he's not prone to gaffes, and Republicans will lose their shit when another NYC Democrat is party leader. So I can get behind this.
You guys are all looking at this Hannity/Cohen thing backwards.

Cohen is Trump's lawyer, he does Trump's dirty work, he knows where the bodies are buried.

Hannity is Trump's shill with a daily audience of MILLIONS. Trump and Hannity are thick as thieves.

Cohen wasn't working for Hannity, he was employing Hannity to carry on a full court press of misinformation, misdirection, and rallying cries to the Trump base about this all being a witch Hunt.

It's a direct mandate from Trump to Hannity with Cohen as the proxy. It was done this way precisely because they were certain that attorney/client privilege would keep it under wraps. They clearly never believed the investigation would go far enough for the FBI to raid Cohen's offices and home.

If you watch the clip of Hannity acknowledging the "connection" from the other night, you can see that the man is shitting razorblades and has a totally stunned "deer in the headlights" look on his face.

Damage control aparatus are working overtime and then some.
You guys are all looking at this Hannity/Cohen thing backwards.

Cohen is Trump's lawyer, he does Trump's dirty work, he knows where the bodies are buried.

Hannity is Trump's shill with a daily audience of MILLIONS. Trump and Hannity are thick as thieves.

Cohen wasn't working for Hannity, he was employing Hannity to carry on a full court press of misinformation, misdirection, and rallying cries to the Trump base about this all being a witch Hunt.

It's a direct mandate from Trump to Hannity with Cohen as the proxy. It was done this way precisely because they were certain that attorney/client privilege would keep it under wraps. They clearly never believed the investigation would go far enough for the FBI to raid Cohen's offices and home.

If you watch the clip of Hannity acknowledging the "connection" from the other night, you can see that the man is shitting razorblades and has a totally stunned "deer in the headlights" look on his face.

Damage control aparatus are working overtime and then some.

100% correct
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i'm sure they were all holding their collectives breaths hoping your eminence grande covfefe would grant them your esteemed permission. rolleyes1
(what a fucktard)

Trump says NK-SK peace talks have his blessing

"President Donald Trump says conversations between North and South Korea to end their decades-long war have his blessing."

and so he's found a way to make it about him. again......and again......and again........
Apparently Shitler has decided not to be "tough on Russia" after all, and of course someone in his admin tried to blame somebody else for it. :mad: Even when he does get halfway decent people like Haley who aren't complete incompetents, toadies, or scumbags (not that she's Mother Teresa or anything), he always ends up fucking them over almost immediately so they want to leave. :facepalm:
Apparently Shitler has decided not to be "tough on Russia" after all, and of course someone in his admin tried to blame somebody else for it. :mad: Even when he does get halfway decent people like Haley who aren't complete incompetents, toadies, or scumbags, he always ends up fucking them over almost immediately so they want to leave. :facepalm:
i just read that 10 minutes ago.

resignation in 5....4.....3.....
But of course:

McConnell blocks bipartisan legislation to protect special counsel
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that he would block bipartisan legislation intended to protect special counsel Robert S. Mueller III from being fired by President Trump.

“I'm the one who decides what we take to the floor,” McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, told Fox News, adding, “We will not be having this on the floor of the Senate.”
But of course:

McConnell blocks bipartisan legislation to protect special counsel
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that he would block bipartisan legislation intended to protect special counsel Robert S. Mueller III from being fired by President Trump.

“I'm the one who decides what we take to the floor,” McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, told Fox News, adding, “We will not be having this on the floor of the Senate.”

we are in THE worst most desparate need of an election BROOM!!!!
Barbara Bush has been a constant confliction in my view. She gave birth to a plague named Dubya. She also showed remarkable compassion towards those suffering with AIDS in a time when most people avoided them. She showed strength and composure. Anyone who has read astronaut Mike Mulane's book, Riding Rockets, learned that she was fun to be around, just like one of the guys.

During an interview she made these remarks about her interactions with Hurricane Katrina refugees quartered in the Astrodome:
"Almost everyone I’ve talked to says, ‘We’re going to move to Houston.’ What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.
And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them."
Barbara Bush has been a constant confliction in my view. She gave birth to a plague named Dubya. She also showed remarkable compassion towards those suffering with AIDS in a time when most people avoided them. She showed strength and composure. Anyone who has read astronaut Mike Mulane's book, Riding Rockets, learned that she was fun to be around, just like one of the guys.

During an interview she made these remarks about her interactions with Hurricane Katrina refugees quartered in the Astrodome:
"Almost everyone I’ve talked to says, ‘We’re going to move to Houston.’ What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality.
And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them."
i don't think Katrina worked well for anyone except construction contractors. WTF??
(unless i read that wrong)
Supreme Court leans against allowing internet sales tax

"The cost of online shopping seemed unlikely to change Tuesday, with the U.S. Supreme Court appearing to lean against changing the law on internet sales taxes."

well that pretty much punches cheeto in the balls with respect to his tweet hates on amazon "not paying their taxes".

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