OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Magistrate orders accused Russian agent tied to NRA to be jailed without bond

"A federal magistrate ordered Wednesday that a Russian national, accused earlier this week of infiltrating American political organizations including the National Rifle Association, be held without bond.

Magistrate Deborah Robinson sided with federal prosecutors who argued that Mariia Butina, 29, represented an “extreme” risk of flight from the country.

Robinson said there was “no condition or combination of conditions that could assure” Butina’s return to court where she faces two felony charges, one which carries a maximum punishment of 10 years in prison."
Magistrate orders accused Russian agent tied to NRA to be jailed without bond

Robinson said there was “no condition or combination of conditions that could assure” Butina’s return to court where she faces two felony charges, one which carries a maximum punishment of 10 years in prison."

Good. That is how bond is supposed to work.
Gorbetschaw and the looming Russian bankruptcy/failure of communist isolationism were great for diplomacy.
I give Reagan a fair amount of partial and cautious credit for Soviet Union's collapse.

The Soviets had indeed dug their own hole, they were broke, military hardware was woefully outclassed by the current U.S. wares of the time, and in an even worse state of combat readiness. Many military personnel weren't even getting paid... the paltry amount they earned. That didn't much matter since food shortages and that of basic goods left little to spend it on.

Hundreds of millions of people were hungry, cold, and dancing on the razor's edge of Revolution 2.0, including those many military types who could launch the missiles, fly the jets, and drive the tanks. Shit had gotten very real indeed.

What Reagan did, was to keep his foot hard on the throttle and hands steady on the wheel in the most globally dangerous game of "chicken" in history. It was a bold and perhaps reckless game with lots of ways it could go very badly and only one way that didn't.

In the end, blind luck gets as much credit as Reagan. Gorby certainly seemed to be in pursuit of peace etc, but whether he actually had any real power where the rubber meets the road is highly questionable. The old school hardliners were always right there waiting to administer a "Heart Attack" if he got too ambitious.

It came down to three choices:

1. Maintain the status quo and risk an almost certain violent revolution.

2. Shoot first. Go to war with America to keep the people loyal to Mother Russia. Likely an attack based on typical rabble rousing Soviet Propaganda followed by state controlled media blowing their wad with total bullshit.

3. What eventually did happen.
this is how it's supposed to work. don't dump on the kid, help him learn how to work within the system and keep going.

Minneapolis officials keep teen's hotdog stand in business

"Jaequan Faulkner, 13, has been selling hotdogs outside his home in North Minneapolis, in the Midwestern state of Minnesota, since 2016.
His stand was at risk of closure after someone reported him for not having a permit, local media say.
Instead, city staff helped him obtain a permit and get back to work on Monday.
After receiving the complaint a few weeks ago, the Minneapolis department of health chose a different approach to simply closing the boy's venture."

"When I realised what it was, I said, 'no, we're not just going to go and shut it down'," said Minneapolis Environmental Health Director Dan Huff to CNN. "We can help him get the permit."

(of course, it's BBC carrying the story, not US news [rolls eyes] )
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