OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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An RNC person discussing the Comey book on CNN yesterday. I actually listened to this live on the radio:

I used to think that Mitch McConnell was the absolutely worst hypocritical, dishonest, shameless fuckwit to ever hold public office. But the republican party has risen to the challenge and turned politics into a game of limbo: "How low can you go?"

Kentucky governor Matt Blevin says teacher strike caused kids to be sexually molested.

You can't make this shit up. It's no wonder we can't tell whats Onion articles and whats not anymore.
I used to think that Mitch McConnell was the absolutely worst hypocritical, dishonest, shameless fuckwit to ever hold public office. But the republican party has risen to the challenge and turned politics into a game of limbo: "How low can you go?"

Kentucky governor Matt Blevin says teacher strike caused kids to be sexually molested.

You can't make this shit up. It's no wonder we can't tell whats Onion articles and whats not anymore.

If only there was an easy solution to getting those teachers back to maybe paying them.

I’m always suspicious of grown men who seem to think that child sexual abuse is a logical and expected outcome. I tend to think they are the ones that would be an abuser.

Where I live teachers are seen as an essential position and those who teach are highly respected. Teachers here make the same as physicians, and teaching positions are highly desirable jobs. Dedicated teachers create educational excellence, and our schools are considered to be among the best on earth. Why the US doesn’t get this is beyond me. I assume part of it is wanting stupid people to rule, but you have to imagine shit education fucks over the economy....something the party that is always blocking education reforms professes to love.
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If only there was an easy solution to getting those teachers back to maybe paying them.

I’m always suspicious of grown men who seem to think that child sexual abuse is a logical and expected outcome. I tend to think they are the ones that would be an abuser.

Where I live teachers are seen as an essential position and those who teach are highly respected. Teachers here make the same as physicians, and teaching positions are highly desired jobs. Why the US doesn’t get this is beyond me. I assume part of it is wanting stupid people to rule, but you have to imagine shit education fucks over the economy....something the party that is always blocking education reforms professes to love.
they only love 'the economy' when $$ are being redirected to their pockets. then it's great.....again......yuuuge....cofefve

In 2013, when Barack Obama was president, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found that only 22 percent of Republicans supported the U.S. launching missile strikes against Syria in response to Bashar al-Assad using chemical weapons against civilians.

A new Post-ABC poll finds that 86 percent of Republicans support Donald Trump’s decision to launch strikes on Syria for the same reason. Only 11 percent are opposed.​

Hypocrisy, thy ideology-in-name-only is "conservative"
If only there was an easy solution to getting those teachers back to maybe paying them.

I’m always suspicious of grown men who seem to think that child sexual abuse is a logical and expected outcome. I tend to think they are the ones that would be an abuser.

Where I live teachers are seen as an essential position and those who teach are highly respected. Teachers here make the same as physicians, and teaching positions are highly desirable jobs. Dedicated teachers create educational excellence, and our schools are considered to be among the best on earth. Why the US doesn’t get this is beyond me. I assume part of it is wanting stupid people to rule, but you have to imagine shit education fucks over the economy....something the party that is always blocking education reforms professes to love.

Yup, over here we're well compensated and, largely, respected by society in general as we should be. It obviously varies from state to state or authority to authority but it seems like there's a ridiculously low barrier to entry to get into teaching across the US and that's reflected in the terrible wages.

I'd imagine their unions aren't a patch on ours either :shrug:
Holy shit I actually just read the article.

I know a lot of disgruntled people think we're just jumped up babysitters but.....

Maybe we should have the kids in every day of the week to stop them eating poison or being molested :messedup:
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