OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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maybe there is a good reason for him to feel that way :eek:
Seriously, Mueller and the NY state guys have probably cooked his goose with this one. I notice they confiscated all communications with Lewandowski and Hope Hicks. I predict Hope rolls over if anyone does. She's only 29 years old, and chances are that Shitler has already forgotten about her in favor of that new Tinka chick he hired who looks just like Ivanka. :(
Assad and Putin are criminal assholes, but this attack won't punish those responsible in the slightest. It's not like Trump gives half a shit about the victims of the latest chemical attack, either.
Distraction as usual.
The chemical weapons red line is just bullshit politicians came up with to seem valiant. Why wasn't dumping barrel bombs on hospitals full of civilians a red line? At least nerve gas kills quickly; it's better than bleeding out in agony under a heap of broken concrete. If the US really gave a shit about the Syrian people we'd have cut off the rebels so this war would have ended years ago.
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