OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Really, most of the "Liberals" don't really care who Shitler did what with, they just care that he lies about it and covers it up in a potentially illegal manner, and that his followers are such hypocrites that they give him a pass for it when they would have burned Obama at the stake for even any suspicion of 1/10 of what Shitler has already done. THAT's the issue.
yea, i don't care that much about what trump does in his personal life/business except that he's constantly fucking people over and getting away with because of $$.

what i care about, is what he has done to corrupt the republic and the checks & balances and that he is/has turned what was a smelly swamp into and industrial f'ing septic tank, and there's no end in sight and it just keeps getting worse.
(i realize that congress has a pretty big piece of this shit show cake)
Really, most of the "Liberals" don't really care who Shitler did what with, they just care that he lies about it and covers it up in a potentially illegal manner, and that his followers are such hypocrites that they give him a pass for it when they would have burned Obama at the stake for even any suspicion of 1/10 of what Shitler has already done. THAT's the issue.

Still, it’s tacky. I’m not one for pearl clutching. If King Don obstructed justice or violated campaign finance rules, throw the book at him.

But all this tittering and sex panic is lame...just like when Ken Starr got the nation worked up in a lather when Billy with the “fuck me” puppy dog eyes and the mommy issues wouldn’t stop boning everything that moved. And that guy, at the very least, was engaged in some hostile work environment shit.
Still, it’s tacky. I’m not one for pearl clutching. If King Don obstructed justice or violated campaign finance rules, throw the book at him.

But all this tittering and sex panic is lame...just like when Ken Starr got the nation worked up in a lather when Billy with the “fuck me” puppy dog eyes and the mommy issues wouldn’t stop boning everything that moved. And that guy, at the very least, was engaged in some hostile work environment shit.
I think the concentration on Shitler's sex life is that so far he has been untouchable b/c of his willingness to completely ignore any rule he doesn't want to follow and the blatant GOP enabling. At this point, anything they can get him on would be fine with most of us, much like a gangster that goes to jail on tax evasion. Whatever it takes. If Bill C. or Obama had pulled even a fraction of the stuff that Shitler and the GOP have pulled in the last year or so they would have been charred skeletons. Who care's if it's "tacky"? Shitler makes tacky look like Miss Manners at this point.
I think the concentration on Shitler's sex life is that so far he has been untouchable b/c of his willingness to completely ignore any rule he doesn't want to follow and the blatant GOP enabling. At this point, anything they can get him on would be fine with most of us, much like a gangster that goes to jail on tax evasion. Whatever it takes. If Bill C. or Obama had pulled even a fraction of the stuff that Shitler and the GOP have pulled in the last year or so they would have been charred skeletons. Who care's if it's "tacky"? Shitler makes tacky look like Miss Manners at this point.

Trump is darial. You cannot “win” an argument with darial. Attempts to out-darial a darial only makes you a terrible person. The bar is lowered. Discourse is enstupided and Trump is still a relevant brand that people can’t stop talking about. Even TRUMP ON THE CROSS is Trump getting undue attention. We have microwaved a burrito so hot that we cannot eat it.

I’m not sure how you unTrump everything. But the only thing we can hope to salvage is our personal dignity. Let’s not all become obnoxious, Trump-mad sex prudes.
Trump is darial. You cannot “win” an argument with darial. Attempts to out-darial a darial only makes you a terrible person. The bar is lowered. Discourse is enstupided and Trump is still a relevant brand that people can’t stop talking about. Even TRUMP ON THE CROSS is Trump getting undue attention. We have microwaved a burrito so hot that we cannot eat it.

I’m not sure how you unTrump everything. But the only thing we can hope to salvage is our personal dignity. Let’s not all become obnoxious, Trump-mad sex prudes.
Again, most of these liberals you are pointing at are not sex prudes. They just hate the hypocrisy that allows Trump's affairs and blatant rich-boy tactics to lie and cover them up to be a nothingburger to Fake Christians while Obama got burned at the cross for being black and Democrat, and people are still bitching about Bill Clinton even though he was brought up for his crimes and paid for them both through impeachment and in civil suits.

It's not about "prudes whining", it's about insane hypocritical assholes letting one of the biggest idiots ever get away with everything short of murder.
Trump is darial. You cannot “win” an argument with darial. Attempts to out-darial a darial only makes you a terrible person. The bar is lowered. Discourse is enstupided and Trump is still a relevant brand that people can’t stop talking about. Even TRUMP ON THE CROSS is Trump getting undue attention. We have microwaved a burrito so hot that we cannot eat it.

I’m not sure how you unTrump everything. But the only thing we can hope to salvage is our personal dignity. Let’s not all become obnoxious, Trump-mad sex prudes.
Coincidentally, this is the exact attitude that Paul Ryan has taken with Trump, and he has turned out to be the biggest coward, enabler, and hypocrite of them all.
Again, most of these liberals you are pointing at are not sex prudes. They just hate the hypocrisy that allows Trump's affairs and blatant rich-boy tactics to lie and cover them up to be a nothingburger to Fake Christians while Obama got burned at the cross for being black and Democrat, and people are still bitching about Bill Clinton even though he was brought up for his crimes and paid for them both through impeachment and in civil suits.

It's not about "prudes whining", it's about insane hypocritical assholes letting one of the biggest idiots ever get away with everything short of murder.

But in doing so, you’re being roped into adopting the expedient sex prude narrative that will NO DOUBT be turned back on you.

It an intellectual/rhetorical trap and a kooky distraction from the actual issue...which is that our electoral system is broken, the electorate is morons, and corruption is rampant.
(imagines future opera about Trump abroad and shudders)

So yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge
Yuuuuuuuuuge and tremendous

*dissonance and clanging*

*flood of fake blood*

*a dim-witted golden retriever in a rainbow clown wig trots across the stage*

And now it’s time for the “Golden Showers Aria.”
I don’t care about Trump’s affairs. Personally I think Stormy Daniels should have kept her $130,000 and stayed quiet. But what does bother me about these secret deals with former mistresses is that they make the president vulnerable to blackmail. Presidents should be required to disclose this sort of thing before taking office, and failing to do so should be a felony so that it can lead to impeachment,
(imagines future opera about Trump abroad and shudders)

I think I might write an intermezzo featuring Trump, the two Russian whores and the spirits of Melania and Comey. "il ragazzo piscio d'arancia"

Two acts of Trump trying to convince the Russian girls to say "take that, Obama's hotel bed" while peeing on it and Melania and Comey each having arias where they sing their feelings of how it is to be fucked both figuratively and literally by il cheeto.

If I were a comp major I'm pretty sure the department head would love it :embarrassed:
I don’t care about Trump’s affairs. Personally I think Stormy Daniels should have kept her $130,000 and stayed quiet. But what does bother me about these secret deals with former mistresses is that they make the president vulnerable to blackmail. Presidents should be required to disclose this sort of thing before taking office, and failing to do so should be a felony so that it can lead to impeachment,
Ultimately, yes.

There is the immature and very small part of my soul that wants every little bit outed because I want his hypocrite evangelical followers to suck it up but at the end of the day the only real concern I can see is the blackmail issue.
Trump is darial. You cannot “win” an argument with darial. Attempts to out-darial a darial only makes you a terrible person. The bar is lowered. Discourse is enstupided and Trump is still a relevant brand that people can’t stop talking about. Even TRUMP ON THE CROSS is Trump getting undue attention. We have microwaved a burrito so hot that we cannot eat it.

I’m not sure how you unTrump everything. But the only thing we can hope to salvage is our personal dignity. Let’s not all become obnoxious, Trump-mad sex prudes.
That is a well written post. Gross, disgusting, true, and well written.

It is also true he needs to be held responsible in any way possible. And calling out lying, particularly while in office and especially if under oath, is fair game, or any other violation of law. Arguing with him, though, is a losing game.
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