OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Falwell Jr. broke my brain on CNN last week. Basically said Trump could rape someone and he'd be OK with it because of Trump's stance on "the issues."

When it inevitably comes out that Trump either paid for or pressured abortions it will be Nadia Comaneci-level mental gymnastics demonstration.
Falwell Jr. broke my brain on CNN last week. Basically said Trump could rape someone and he'd be OK with it because of Trump's stance on "the issues."

When it inevitably comes out that Trump either paid for or pressured abortions it will be Nadia Comaneci-level mental gymnastics demonstration.

A cheerleader cannot root for “the other side” so it’s always “GO TEAM” regardless. It’s not like anyone gets to learn about theology or philosophy or rhetoric because those are evil subjects that won’t make you shitloads of money.

The teevee news is an info and opinion hose for every fake white collar goober with a business degree and a sales or tech gig who wants to know how he/she should feel in order to be socially acceptable within his/her phony middle class context.

If you’re “Team Conservative,” you’re now totes cool with sexual assault because in his heart Donny wants tax cuts that will benefit third quarter earnings.

And if you’re “Team Liberal” you’re now a sex prude because you want to make a big deal that the POTUS is a gross monster whose own hand should be ashamed to make out with him.
Re the Atlantic article. Christians are a confused lot. I know sincere Christians who volunteer at soup kitchens yet vote for Trump and Moore. These are mostly mainliners, Methodists, some Presbyterians, and conservative Anglicans and Catholics, a minority. The majority, all the weird little cults of personality and most Baptists, Charismatics,and so forth have mostly abandoned even a whisper of sympathy for social justice. It’s like they’ve all lost the ability to think rationally. My parents and Grandparents, who lived through WW1, the depression, and ww2 were people of faith but they understood the value of secular rationalism and pluralism. To those of my generation still wed to the idea of religion the idea of working together for human progress is a strange and foreign concept.
A few years back I had the same sympathies towards people of faith that the Atlantic author has. After Trump, I lost that.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the Anti Theists are correct. Religion is much more harmful to society than beneficial and it’s time to throw the Theist mentality in the dustbin of history.
Hence the growth of humanism.

An outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence over acceptance of dogma or superstition.

Humanism stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethics based on human and other natural values in a spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities.

edit: but to be fair to me, with as much crazy ass bullshit as is being said for real these days, sometimes it's hard to tell what is and what is not satire.
Yeah. I think it's been said before but it has made writing for The Onion really difficult these days. When reality is batshit crazy how do you make something seem unreal?
Yeah. I think it's been said before but it has made writing for The Onion really difficult these days. When reality is batshit crazy how do you make something seem unreal?
umm.....maybe write something like: "president trump today helped an old lady across the street and donated 10 million dollars to the local immigrant homeless shelter".

maybe something like that. rolleyes1
Hence the growth of humanism.

An outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers critical thinking and evidence over acceptance of dogma or superstition.

Humanism stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethics based on human and other natural values in a spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities.

Humanism is kinda boring and doesn’t always make good philosophical sense.

And Humanist thinking can be used to rather easily justify horrors like eugenics.

Just saying.
Humanism is kinda boring and doesn’t always make good philosophical sense.

And Humanist thinking can be used to rather easily justify horrors like eugenics.

Just saying.
Please expend on how it could be used to justify eugenics. I'm not seeing it as it was described above. Other than to say people in general are gullible schmucks, but that's always there with anything.

There's a church of Deism after all.
Humanism is kinda boring and doesn’t always make good philosophical sense.
I’d like to read a good critique. Non Theistic link please. Preferably by a reputable philosopher.
And Humanist thinking can be used to rather easily justify horrors like eugenics.
And even easier to discredit such inhumane ideas.

Just saying.
Humanism is kinda boring and doesn’t always make good philosophical sense.

And Humanist thinking can be used to rather easily justify horrors like eugenics.

Just saying.
I don't think most humans are quite up to self governing yet, which is the main part of humanism. Instead of doing what is ethical and decent because you're afraid of going to hell, you do it because of your inner compass is integrity based and not self serving.

Sadly, I've seen people who most would consider honest do some deplorable shit when they think no one is looking. The reptilian brain lurks just under the surface.

Here’s only one such.

Marxists have been sceptical of Humanist assumptions. Heidegger (Nazi!) was sceptical of Humanism as a kind of metaphysics in opposition to the primacy of being.

In short, and this is because I’m into cultural theory, one blind spot of Humanism is that it essentializes Humans into one sort of rational Enlightenment critter and seems to regard this as immutably true regardless of time/place/context. Vs. asking which humans when and where. There’s an assumed bias towards Enlightenment ideals...yadda yadda. And often less thoughtful folks will also pitch in some implied teleological hoo-haw about “progress.”
Please expend on how it could be used to justify eugenics. I'm not seeing it as it was described above. Other than to say people in general are gullible schmucks, but that's always there with anything.

There's a church of Deism after all.

Rationalism and Utilitarianism were big parts of the world views that birthed the eugenics movement. Progressives (the historical turn of the 20th century type) definitely dig scientific racism as a reason why their dogoodery was needed.

Modernity and population control are tight bros.
Trump pardons Scooter Libby for his role in the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame. I guess that's supposed to be a dog whistle to those who'd help him obstruct justice. However, he probably now has half the CIA pissed at him.

perhaps it is time for mr. mueller to (if he hasn't already) reach out to the various state AG's that would be involved and get ready to hand charges over to them, if they agree to prosecute. that way, it becomes a state crime and cheeto has no jurisdiction or pardon power.
A cheerleader cannot root for “the other side” so it’s always “GO TEAM” regardless. It’s not like anyone gets to learn about theology or philosophy or rhetoric because those are evil subjects that won’t make you shitloads of money.

The teevee news is an info and opinion hose for every fake white collar goober with a business degree and a sales or tech gig who wants to know how he/she should feel in order to be socially acceptable within his/her phony middle class context.

If you’re “Team Conservative,” you’re now totes cool with sexual assault because in his heart Donny wants tax cuts that will benefit third quarter earnings.

And if you’re “Team Liberal” you’re now a sex prude because you want to make a big deal that the POTUS is a gross monster whose own hand should be ashamed to make out with him.
Really, most of the "Liberals" don't really care who Shitler did what with, they just care that he lies about it and covers it up in a potentially illegal manner, and that his followers are such hypocrites that they give him a pass for it when they would have burned Obama at the stake for even any suspicion of 1/10 of what Shitler has already done. THAT's the issue.
perhaps it is time for mr. mueller to (if he hasn't already) reach out to the various state AG's that would be involved and get ready to hand charges over to them, if they agree to prosecute. that way, it becomes a state crime and cheeto has no jurisdiction or pardon power.

I believe this was hinted at with the Southern District raid. Yes, it's still federal, but he seems unafraid to farm something out when necessary.
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