OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I used to think that Mitch McConnell was the absolutely worst hypocritical, dishonest, shameless fuckwit to ever hold public office. But the republican party has risen to the challenge and turned politics into a game of limbo: "How low can you go?"

Kentucky governor Matt Blevin says teacher strike caused kids to be sexually molested.

You can't make this shit up. It's no wonder we can't tell whats Onion articles and whats not anymore.

And, of course, when called out, Bevin issues a non-apology:

"For those of you who understand what I was saying, thank you, I know a tremendous amount of people didn't fully appreciate what I was communicating."

Essentially: if you were insulted, you were too stupid to understand what he was saying.
And, of course, when called out, Bevin issues a non-apology:

"For those of you who understand what I was saying, thank you, I know a tremendous amount of people didn't fully appreciate what I was communicating."

Essentially: if you were insulted, you were too stupid to understand what he was saying.
What a dickbag.
also, Comey is on ABC at 10pm (eastern) TONIGHT!!

Yep just watched it. Nothing really revealing, but it is nice to have someone who was at the top of a government intelligence organization saying that the president is morally not fit for office.

Although it gets spun the other way with conservatives always accusing the media of being liberal, the total lack of any position by the news media in their quest to be objective is not appropriate when the POTUS is doing batshit crazy stuff on a daily basis. Responsible news organizations need to abandon their practice of absolute objectivity when our system of democracy is under attack by a fascist ruler. We need more responsible people in the news stating plainly what an idiot Trump is. I think the lack of that message being repeated is the main reason why common people are subject to the propaganda of Fox news (who isn't objective at all).
Trump admits to obstruction of justice on Twitter, says he only did it to ‘fight back’

On Wednesday morning, President Trump tried to make a case that investigators had no good reason to raid the office, home, and hotel room of his longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen. But in doing so, Trump seemed to casually admit to obstruction of justice.

“I (we) are… doing things that nobody thought possible, despite the never ending and corrupt Russia Investigation, which takes tremendous time and focus,” Trump tweeted. “No Collusion or Obstruction (other than I fight back), so now they do the Unthinkable, and RAID a lawyers office for information! BAD!”

Suffice it to say there is no “fighting back” exception to obstruction of justice charges, which were part of the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.

Trump’s tweet comes almost 11 months to the day after he seemed to admit to obstructing justice during an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt conducted just days after he fired FBI Director James Comey — who at the time was overseeing the investigation into the Trump campaign. [snip]​

His own worst enemy.
Trump admits to obstruction of justice on Twitter, says he only did it to ‘fight back’

On Wednesday morning, President Trump tried to make a case that investigators had no good reason to raid the office, home, and hotel room of his longtime personal attorney, Michael Cohen. But in doing so, Trump seemed to casually admit to obstruction of justice.

“I (we) are… doing things that nobody thought possible, despite the never ending and corrupt Russia Investigation, which takes tremendous time and focus,” Trump tweeted. “No Collusion or Obstruction (other than I fight back), so now they do the Unthinkable, and RAID a lawyers office for information! BAD!”
Suffice it to say there is no “fighting back” exception to obstruction of justice charges, which were part of the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.

Trump’s tweet comes almost 11 months to the day after he seemed to admit to obstructing justice during an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt conducted just days after he fired FBI Director James Comey — who at the time was overseeing the investigation into the Trump campaign. [snip]​
His own worst enemy.

I think he was trying to say he's willing to fight back against the accusation. But that's not what he said. All someone needs to do is dare him to sit with Mueller, and he'll contradict himself six ways from Sunday. I guess we'll see how it's used against him.
It was boring--nothing new. I fell asleep.

So he did his Boy Scout reasonable Johnny Law act while tut tutting about how everyone who isn’t in the FBI is a jerk and then proceeded to snarf up camera time for as long as possible without telling anyone anything meaningful?

Trump is a bad man and likely guilty of everything and more, but Jim Comey is a grandstanding camera whore.
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