OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I’ve been to Putin’s house and he’s got a big list on the wall. It starts off with DC and NYC and then goes straight to Casa de rickenvox.

Mojo, bro.

Once again, Florida doesn’t make the list.

Damn, I knew it. But it makes sense, the way we've been changing the world on this forum.

Judge: Transgender People A Protected Class, And The Military Can’t Enact Trump Ban

While Trump had tweeted that he consulted generals and military experts about the ban, Pechman wrote that the government had “failed to identify even one General or military expert he consulted, despite having been ordered to do so repeatedly.”

Noting that Pentagon officials were surprised by the announcement and that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis got a heads up only one day beforehand, the judge wrote that she “is led to conclude that the Ban was devised by the President, and the President alone.”

Sharon McGowan, a former top official in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division who now works as director of strategy for Lambda Legal, wrote that Pechman “cut through the nonsense,” recognizing that the plan announced by the military was just a dressed-up version of Trump’s original ban.

i would like to know who the shooter voted for. :mad:
He's a 57 year old retired firefighter from Detroit who was dumb enough to tell a story about the incident that was contradicted by what was shown on his own video security system, and he looks like this:

Obviously a Hillary or Bernie supporter. :wink:
He's a 57 year old retired firefighter from Detroit who was dumb enough to tell a story about the incident that was contradicted by what was shown on his own video security system, and he looks like this:

Obviously a Hillary or Bernie supporter. :wink:

I wouldn’t rule out this dude being a Democrat. Dude is from Michigan. If his family has connections with UAW he could easily be a disgruntled “working class white” DNC voter.

Come visit the upper Midwest sometime, folks. Being a democrat...even a Bernie democrat...doesn’t prevent you from being a paranoid, law and order racist.
He's a 57 year old retired firefighter from Detroit who was dumb enough to tell a story about the incident that was contradicted by what was shown on his own video security system, and he looks like this:

Obviously a Hillary or Bernie supporter. :wink:
Oh come on now. I know you didn't just judge him on his looks. Hell, on looks alone with a serious enough picture some would think you or I could be conservatives.
I am a teacher, and I will offer a couple observations on my 'experience' of this job, decades apart in two radically different places.

A) Massachusetts, 1994ish. Tried but failed to get an entry level teaching job with a M.Ed. granted from UMass. The problem was that I didn't have a car (absolutely couldn't afford), and maybe you know about rents in Boston (which were about to climb yet again due to 1995's abolition of rent control). It was much more lucrative to be a temp worker/typist than to work in teaching. There were so many people who wanted to teach inside Route 128 ... it was hopeless. This didn't mean teachers were well paid, nor terribly 'good,' just that the job was very political. I eventually got work through my mom, who was a 15 year teacher in suburban system.

B) New Mexico, 2014. If you have a degree, you can basically walk onto a job if you hustle a little (or know someone, and this is a small state). We have a teacher shortage, and so there is a 'provisional license' step where you get a temp license, and have to start taking education classes. Around here the pay ain't great, but NM isn't expensive, and a teacher's salary is livable (which it is NOT in Mass these days).

Where the bar gets lowered is in a couple of places, primarily the teacher-training classes given to provisional licensees. They aren't low-quality, it's just that if YOU are a low-quality student, you're not likely to be failed.

One thing that strikes me is how similar are the teachers I encountered in the moneyed, education-valuing, test-score-acing haven of Massachusetts, and the comparatively poorer, scrappier, more blue-collar environs of New Mexico. They're a lot alike.

The problem is that so few people want the job any more, and can you blame them? Teaching is a terribly hard job, and the hours are atrocious. Pay (here) is OK, but if you do not have a strong sense of mission, I just can't see why you'd do it.
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