OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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You know what? Let them.

I'm not saying that's the end game, but the game with Kavanaugh is to overturn Roe and "give the power back to the states". Once that happens, I think you'll see an increase in migration between "red and blue states", which would end up proving Rep. Prittenger (R-NC) right. With the dirty liberals gone, South Carolina will then be free to suppress their people, and even secede if necessary.
I don't think the GOP really wants Roe v Wade overturned. This issue is really the only thing they have to get the Christian conservatives to show up at elections. With the current Supreme Court already on record opposing further restrictions on gun ownership, if Roe v Wade is overturned, I think you'd see a lot of those folks much less motivated...
I don't think the GOP really wants Roe v Wade overturned. This issue is really the only thing they have to get the Christian conservatives to show up at elections. With the current Supreme Court already on record opposing further restrictions on gun ownership, if Roe v Wade is overturned, I think you'd see a lot of those folks much less motivated...

The #2 guy wants to overturn Roe.
I don't think the GOP really wants Roe v Wade overturned. This issue is really the only thing they have to get the Christian conservatives to show up at elections. With the current Supreme Court already on record opposing further restrictions on gun ownership, if Roe v Wade is overturned, I think you'd see a lot of those folks much less motivated...

And a lot of people on the left (and center) MUCH more motivated.
I'm not saying that's the end game, but the game with Kavanaugh is to overturn Roe and "give the power back to the states". Once that happens, I think you'll see an increase in migration between "red and blue states", which would end up proving Rep. Prittenger (R-NC) right. With the dirty liberals gone, South Carolina will then be free to suppress their people, and even secede if necessary.
I love when states talk about secession. It is like when a 4-year-old says they are going to run away from home not realizing that "home" is what is currently making the life they are protesting possible. Califonia is the only state with a large and diverse enough economy to seceed and even that would turn into a civil war betwnemteen interest groups without a horribly oppressive "National California" government.

There should be a balance of state and federal powers that keeps each in check. But ultimately people need to look at the years 1781-1789 to see what happens when states get their way 100%. I'm not saying that is possible in this day and age but the reality is that "states rights" are usually only championed by an activist minority that wants to push their agenda to the expense of the minority. And yes, you can turn that around but it always seems like when "states rights" are brought up by people it's to justify something horrible at the expense of brown people. Or to complain about the taxation and federal regulation that has kept this county from resembling a white trash Somalia.
I love when states talk about secession. It is like when a 4-year-old says they are going to run away from home not realizing that "home" is what is currently making the life they are protesting possible. Califonia is the only state with a large and diverse enough economy to seceed and even that would turn into a civil war betwnemteen interest groups without a horribly oppressive "National California" government.

There should be a balance of state and federal powers that keeps each in check. But ultimately people need to look at the years 1781-1789 to see what happens when states get their way 100%. I'm not saying that is possible in this day and age but the reality is that "states rights" are usually only championed by an activist minority that wants to push their agenda to the expense of the minority. And yes, you can turn that around but it always seems like when "states rights" are brought up by people it's to justify something horrible at the expense of brown people. Or to complain about the taxation and federal regulation that has kept this county from resembling a white trash Somalia.

Read history? And actually have to remember anything about the Articles of Confederation past 9th grade? What kinda fascist state is this?!

Personally, I'm a federalist myself. But if we're going to be a states rights nation, then moving to the state that has the best chance at socialized health care is a huge bonus.

NYC mayor accused of crossing southern border illegally
BY JUSTIN WISE - 07/11/18 07:59 AM EDT 111


© Getty Images
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reportedly accused New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

The Associated Press reported on Wednesday that the agency made the allegations in a letter obtained by the news service. It claims that de Blasio and his security detail violated Mexican and U.S. immigration laws by crossing the border on foot while the mayor made a visit near El Paso, Texas.

The AP reports that de Blasio's office has denied the charge.

"The mayor crossed the border with the direct approval and under the supervision of the border patrol supervisor at this port of entry,” de Blasio spokesman Eric Phillips said in an email Tuesday night to the AP. “Any suggestion otherwise is a flat-out lie and an obvious attempt by someone to attack the Mayor because of his advocacy for families being ripped apart at the border by the Trump Administration.”

The allegation appears to stem from a visit de Blasio made with about 20 other mayors to the Texas border on June 21, which was the day after President Trump signed an executive order to stop the practice of separating families at the southern border.

De Blasio went to a holding facility for migrant children but had been denied entry, according to the AP. The news service reports that de Blasio and his security outfit, run by the New York Police Department, then went to Mexico before crossing into the U.S. to try and get a view of the facility.

The letter alleges that a border patrol agent witnessed a group on the Rio Grande River flood plain south of the Tornillo, Texas, port of entry, taking pictures of a facility. The agent then asked them if they had been authorized to view the facility from that location.

A New York Police Department inspector reportedly responded that they had not and that they reached the location by coming from Mexico.

The AP adds that the agent then told the group that they had crossed the border illegally and that they'd need to be taken to an official crossing for an inspection. But the group disregarded that order and drove back to Mexico, AP reports.

The news comes as many Democratic lawmakers pressure the Trump administration about its immigration policies and how it intends to reunite the thousands of families that were separated at the border. De Blasio has also been among a growing list of lawmakers to call for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

NYC mayor accused of crossing southern border illegally
BY JUSTIN WISE - 07/11/18 07:59 AM EDT 111


© Getty Images
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has reportedly accused New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

The Associated Press reported on Wednesday that the agency made the allegations in a letter obtained by the news service. It claims that de Blasio and his security detail violated Mexican and U.S. immigration laws by crossing the border on foot while the mayor made a visit near El Paso, Texas.

The AP reports that de Blasio's office has denied the charge.

"The mayor crossed the border with the direct approval and under the supervision of the border patrol supervisor at this port of entry,” de Blasio spokesman Eric Phillips said in an email Tuesday night to the AP. “Any suggestion otherwise is a flat-out lie and an obvious attempt by someone to attack the Mayor because of his advocacy for families being ripped apart at the border by the Trump Administration.”

The allegation appears to stem from a visit de Blasio made with about 20 other mayors to the Texas border on June 21, which was the day after President Trump signed an executive order to stop the practice of separating families at the southern border.

De Blasio went to a holding facility for migrant children but had been denied entry, according to the AP. The news service reports that de Blasio and his security outfit, run by the New York Police Department, then went to Mexico before crossing into the U.S. to try and get a view of the facility.

The letter alleges that a border patrol agent witnessed a group on the Rio Grande River flood plain south of the Tornillo, Texas, port of entry, taking pictures of a facility. The agent then asked them if they had been authorized to view the facility from that location.

A New York Police Department inspector reportedly responded that they had not and that they reached the location by coming from Mexico.

The AP adds that the agent then told the group that they had crossed the border illegally and that they'd need to be taken to an official crossing for an inspection. But the group disregarded that order and drove back to Mexico, AP reports.

The news comes as many Democratic lawmakers pressure the Trump administration about its immigration policies and how it intends to reunite the thousands of families that were separated at the border. De Blasio has also been among a growing list of lawmakers to call for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

How bout this: Who cares if he did?
I don't think the GOP really wants Roe v Wade overturned. This issue is really the only thing they have to get the Christian conservatives to show up at elections. With the current Supreme Court already on record opposing further restrictions on gun ownership, if Roe v Wade is overturned, I think you'd see a lot of those folks much less motivated...

Oh, they absolutely want Roe overturned. After it is overturned, the states will decide on legal abortion. The red states will outlaw it, and the blue states will allow it.

The Republicans then have the best of both worlds: They get to claim a great victory for their base, but still get to use abortion as a rallying cry to turn out voters.

Not to mention their wives, daughters, and porn star mistresses can still get their abortions, they just go back to the old name: "her long weekend in the Hamptons".
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