OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I think the old GOP wanted to keep Roe v Wade as an eternal issue. But they’re being replaced by American Taliban mullahs who believe in what they preach. They’re going to kill the filibuster and pass a federal ban on abortions ASAP.

I don't think so. While some Republicans may believe what they preach, the vast majority of them do not give a rat's ass about abortion other than the loathing of it is what keeps them in office.

Abortion is too valuable to the Republicans to ban (and I'm not talking about for their mistresses). Abortion is one of the two hot button tools the Republicans have that makes their constituents turn their brains off and pull the big red lever in the voting booth.

By allowing red states to ban abortions, they'll pick up untold undecideds who believe abortion is wrong, but otherwise loath the Republican platform (Catholics, in general, for example).

They also get to keep it as a hot button issue to keep their constituents frothed up. "Vote red, we'll end sinful abortion in all states, and across the world, too!"

Trump spiritual adviser: Jesus would have been sinful if he broke immigration laws
There they go with the Romans 13:1 shit again.
They conveniently ignore the rest of Romans 13:

Strike 5!
Putin’s Payout: 10 Ways Trump has Supported Putin’s Foreign Policy Agenda

Here are ten ways that Putin has received his payout:

  • Putin’s Goal: Weaken and divide the transatlantic alliance.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump undermines US relationships with European allies and calls the US’s commitment to NATO into question.
  • Putin’s Goal: Degrade the European Union and foster pro-Russian political movements.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump attacks the EU and actively supports anti-EU, Kremlin-backed parties.
  • Putin’s Goal: Disrupt American leadership of the global economic order.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump is eagerly pushing for an all-out trade war with Europe.
  • Putin’s Goal: Build global resentment and distrust towards the US and stoke anti-American sentiment.
    • Putin’s Payout: America’s closest allies are explicitly suspicious and distrusting of the US because of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.
  • Putin’s Goal: Relieve economic and domestic political pressure from US sanctions on Russia.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump tries to roll back, impede, and blunt the impact of sanctions at every step.
  • Putin’s Goal: Legitimize his regime in the eyes of the world.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump repeatedly praises and defends Putin, lending the weight of the US presidency providing validation towards Putin’s cause.
  • Putin’s Goal: Revive Russia’s status as a great power and gain international recognition for its illegal seizure of Crimea.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump publicly says that Crimea is part of Russia and calls for Russia to be welcomed back into the international community with no concessions.
  • Putin’s Goal: Continue to sow discord in Western democracies and avoid repercussions for interfering in US and European elections.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump dismisses Russian interference and has done nothing to prevent future meddling, putting him at odds with his own intelligence community.
  • Putin’s Goal: Soften America’s adversarial stance toward Russia.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump is shifting the Republican Party’s generations-long hawkish views on Russia.
  • Putin’s Goal: Destabilize the US from within.
    • Putin’s Payout: Trump attacks US institutions while driving divisive politics and eroding democratic norms.

I actually think he makes valid points about the rest of NATO not reaching military spending targets and expecting the US to carry the entire alliance. Personally I would love to see the US pull our troops out of Europe and tell the EU that the cold war is over and to take care of itself. But his rambling in front of the media undermines his points by making him sound clueless. He needs to spend less time on twitter and more time on his talking points.
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I actually think he makes valid points about the rest of NATO not reaching military spending targets and expecting the US to carry the entire alliance. Personally I would love to see the US pull our troops out of Europe and tell the EU that the cold war is over and to take care of itself. But his rambling in front of the media undermines his points by making him sound clueless. He needs to spend less time on twitter and more time on his talking points.

Which completely ignores the progress made under Obama to bring the EU up to speed on defense spending. See Marks earlier post.
Which completely ignores the progress made under Obama to bring the EU up to speed on defense spending.
Let the name of Obama be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all pylons and obelisks, stricken from every monument of 'Murica. Let the name of Obama be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of men for all time.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

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