OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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He has also written that a sitting President should not be "bothered" by subpoenas, criminal investigations, etc. 1) Highly hypocritical given his prior experience on the Starr investigations (witch hunt), and 2) awfully convenient pick for a President currently under criminal investigation...

A bag of shit would be better than anyone trump picked but, it needs to be pointed out, he was saying congress should pass a law. So at least for now, the president is answerable.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if Trump has nominated him KNOWING he wouldn't be confirmed, so he'll bait the Dems into a fight, have Kavanaugh back out, and then the GOP rallies behind Trump (right before mid-terms), who then puts up an even crazier pick. As long as he's getting attention and airtime, he's good.
Kavanaugh will get confirmed. There’s nothing dems can do to keep him from getting confirmed because McConnell changed confirmation rules so that nominees can’t be filibustered.
Question for Judge Kavanaugh and anyone else who worked for Ken Starr: what exactly does justify impeachment of a president? His lying about a consensual affair? Or his lying repeatedly about collaboration with a foreign adversary? For example Russia.
- Richard W. Painter
I see all these people online who think activism is going to somehow save Roe vs. Wade when five conservatives are on the supreme court. They’re delusional. Abortion will soon be completely illegal in much of the USA and that won’t change for years, if ever. The court might not swing liberal again for over a decade if Thomas lives that long. The court will stay conservative for decades if Thomas retires before Trump leaves office so a fifty year old can take his place. The DNC is losing two key platform issues (guns too) and needs to find a replacement soon.
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I wouldn't be surprised at all if Trump has nominated him KNOWING he wouldn't be confirmed, so he'll bait the Dems into a fight, have Kavanaugh back out, and then the GOP rallies behind Trump (right before mid-terms), who then puts up an even crazier pick. As long as he's getting attention and airtime, he's good.

since he's a tactical genius and doesn't do anything on a whim or with little research.
since he's a tactical genius and doesn't do anything on a whim or with little research.

It's the textbook maneuver of a petty man. Donald Trump is childish, immature, and temperamental, so he predictably lashes out like a kid at the playground that doesn't want to share. He's spent decades getting his name in headlines, will shill for anyone that makes it worth his while, and first and foremost he knows to look out for himself. That leads to...

well, yea, you are right about cheeto.....BUT.....those around him could easily come up with any kind of scenario that turns SCOTUS into kangaroos.

Whether they admit it or not, a lot of the GOP has seen that they're in far more jeopardy going into the Midterms than they'd like to be. So many of the entrenched candidates are being challenged by a record number of women and minorities, and with the public backlash against ICE and the brewing trade war picking up steam, McConnell and other GOP leadership will be pushing very hard to bring everyone into the fold. It wouldn't be difficult at all for the GOP to tell Trump what he wants to hear... if they just feed his ego, he'll play along and give them an even worse candidate that they can railroad through. If they can pull it off BEFORE midterms, they'll say the GOP has united in blah-blah-lies-blah-misogyny-blah-blah-racism.

I'm sure the GOP and Giuliani are whispering in Trump's ears about how he can leave such an incredible impact and legacy, and how he'll go down in history as one of the most WINNING, BEST, BIGLIEST Presidents that the world has ever seen. Donnie would love that! But again, he's shrewd.... he want's the Mueller investigation gone and he could use the SCOTUS nomination as an opportunity to force the GOP to find a way to end the investigation in exchange for a further right judge.

It's not about tactics, it's about Trump getting ahead. He makes Gordon Gecko look like Jesus fucking Christ.
I see all these people online who think activism is going to somehow save Roe vs. Wade when five conservatives are on the supreme court. They’re delusional. Abortion will soon be completely illegal in much of the USA and that won’t change for years, if ever. The court might not swing liberal again for over a decade if Thomas lives that long. The court will stay conservative for decades if Thomas retires before Trump leaves office so a fifty year old can take his place. The DNC is losing two key platform issues (guns too) and needs to find a replacement soon.

If the Dems get control back, they could pack the court like Roosevelt tried to do but failed.
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