OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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i get that plastic straws are on the way out. how does a glass straw help the problem? for home use, yea, maybe. but on a commercial/restaurant level, no. they're still going in the trash. and at $1.50 each, no fast food is going to buy them.
Agreed. I remember having paper straws in elementary school (yes I'm an old bastard). Why don't they bring those back? Paper composts fairly quickly....very quickly when compared to glass or plastic.
i get that plastic straws are on the way out. how does a glass straw help the problem? for home use, yea, maybe. but on a commercial/restaurant level, no. they're still going in the trash. and at $1.50 each, no fast food is going to buy them.

Agreed. I remember having paper straws in elementary school (yes I'm an old bastard). Why don't they bring those back? Paper composts fairly quickly....very quickly when compared to glass or plastic.

Read the article. Restaurant usage and paper straws are both covered.
Looks like you will be able to use McDonalds trash to make tiny bongs. Awesome :grin:
...and tiny bongs?

Cavanaugh's statement shows his fealty to Trump was already in place. His confirmation will be critical for our transformation to a banana republic, just as Putin and Trumpski have dreamed of.
Cavanaugh's statement shows his fealty to Trump was already in place. His confirmation will be critical for our transformation to a banana republic, just as Putin and Trumpski have dreamed of.

Kavanaugh clerked for Kennedy, worked for Ken Starr, worked for W during the Florida recount, and was then appointed to the bench by W. His nomination to SCOTUS is the pinnacle of the very long game played by Republicans.
Kavanaugh clerked for Kennedy, worked for Ken Starr, worked for W during the Florida recount, and was then appointed to the bench by W. His nomination to SCOTUS is the pinnacle of the very long game played by Republicans.

He has also written that a sitting President should not be "bothered" by subpoenas, criminal investigations, etc. 1) Highly hypocritical given his prior experience on the Starr investigations (witch hunt), and 2) awfully convenient pick for a President currently under criminal investigation...
He has also written that a sitting President should not be "bothered" by subpoenas, criminal investigations, etc. 1) Highly hypocritical given his prior experience on the Starr investigations (witch hunt), and 2) awfully convenient pick for a President currently under criminal investigation...
no offense, but.....well DUH!!
cheeto was never going to pick someone that didn't think presidents should be beyond the law.
the whole thing is a set up. as was mentioned several pages ago, Kennedy had already hired his clerks/staff for 2019. he wasn't going to retire this year, not until it came out that Kennedy's son was involved in getting trump money from russians, when no bank on the earth would talk to him.
trump pulled Kennedy's string to retire NOW!!! specifically so he could set up a SCOTUS that wouldn't allow him to be prosecuted and the pay off will be pardons all around.
No, but I applaud their small attempt at environmentalism.
The local one, and I think nationally, has recycling right there for the lids and cups. And they do promote the cheap re-usable cups. I like to have one of those in the car for use out in the world when I don't want to keep track of a nicer cup.
He has also written that a sitting President should not be "bothered" by subpoenas, criminal investigations, etc. 1) Highly hypocritical given his prior experience on the Starr investigations (witch hunt), and 2) awfully convenient pick for a President currently under criminal investigation...

Which is the exact point I was making on Saturday when I called him "Un-fucking-suitable"
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