OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Trump with his impulsiveness, defensiveness, and stupidity really scares me, but I like Pence maybe even less.
pence is the guy who created and got passed a law in indiana (religious liberty) that would allow businesses to legally discriminate against virtually anyone the business owner didn't like on religious grounds.
and within a week, the ncaa was pulling the basetball finals out, and other big corps started pulling out and pence & co. were forced into emergency legislative session to amend the law to appease the detractors.

imagine this c-f making a exec. order of the same type. we'd have a theocracy in the making.
no thanks.
I’m worried the House won’t flip. It certainly looks that way, but I’m gonna worry until I see the news on November 7.
I intend on using distraction and denial to avoid worry. That and 12 step concepts. Work to do what I can, leave the rest. All tools can be valid. I know I don't want to spend the next months worrying about it incessantly though. And I am prone to that if I let myself.
I intend on using distraction and denial to avoid worry. That and 12 step concepts. Work to do what I can, leave the rest. All tools can be valid. I know I don't want to spend the next months worrying about it incessantly though. And I am prone to that if I let myself.
Also, I plan on trying to get my guitar playing situation going again, now that winter is closing out. some loudness with dirt pedal and verb, vibrato and other time based pedal and effect exploration will help with the distraction/working it out I bet. Tort pickguards help too. On my blue guitar.
Also, I plan on trying to get my guitar playing situation going again, now that winter is closing out. some loudness with dirt pedal and verb, vibrato and other time based pedal and effect exploration will help with the distraction/working it out I bet. Tort pickguards help too. On my blue guitar.
here, lemme be a helper :grin:

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David Brooks apologist type opinions bug me. He may make a couple points here, especially in the last paragraph.

I really don't like this article, as it is insane to me how illogical people can be. But I understand some of its truth. This sentence, "The main reason Trump won the presidency is that tens of millions of Americans rightly feel that their local economies are under attack, their communities are dissolving and their religious liberties are under threat. " is partly true, except the religious liberties part. People can still believe whatever they want. They are not under attack. I do agree with this closingparagraph, "Just after the election, Luigi Zingales wrote a Times op-ed on how not to fight Trump, based on the Italian experience fighting Silvio Berlusconi. Don’t focus on personality or the man, Zingales advised. That will just make Trump the people’s hero against the Washington caste. Focus instead on the social problems that gave rise to Trumpism. That is the advice we anti-Trumpers still need to learn."

But also, I dislike this author as an apologist for the people that so fail to think. Maybe that sounds arrogant, but it is true. Look at this paragraph of his, "Why has Trump dominated? Part of it is tribalism. In any tribal war people tend to bury individual concerns and rally to their leader and the party line. As late as 2015, Republican voters overwhelmingly supported free trade. Now they overwhelmingly oppose it. The shift didn’t happen because of some mass reappraisal of the evidence; it’s just that tribal orthodoxy shifted and everyone followed." To flip flop like that without thought or some reason there should be a policy change is completely thoughtless. He should not be an apologist for this. People who conduct themselves this way SHOULD wake up and realize what they are doing. Sadly, I don't think they will, and the only hope is to motivate the large numbers of youth who will finally tilt the scales toward change with different ideas. Change both within and overcoming the GOP, and change within the stale Democratic party.

a lot of those who voted for shitler did so because (to them) their religious liberty IS under attack.
they are more and more being forced, by law, to stop discriminating against those whom their religion says are wrong/evil/sick/bad.......
it doesn't matter a hoot if it's not true, it is to them. and that's is a enormous selling point.
just sayin'

a lot of those who voted for shitler did so because (to them) their religious liberty IS under attack.
they are more and more being forced, by law, to stop discriminating against those whom their religion says are wrong/evil/sick/bad.......
it doesn't matter a hoot if it's not true, it is to them. and that's is a enormous selling point.
just sayin'
That I understand. But it is actually NOT true. And f-ing Brooks shouldn't say there is any truth in it.
That I understand. But it is actually NOT true. And f-ing Brooks shouldn't say there is any truth in it.
well, it's true that more and more they are being force to not discriminate like they used to, saying it's against gawd's law. that's what they see and hear.
well, it's true that more and more they are being force to not discriminate like they used to, saying it's against gawd's law. that's what they see and hear.
But saying it like that blurs the lines and lends credence to their incorrect legal position. Someone who writes for the Times should know better.
But saying it like that blurs the lines and lends credence to their incorrect legal position. Someone who writes for the Times should know better.
oh yea, their legal position has always been wrong.

their perception that their religion is becoming less and less important as a legal position is not wrong.
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