OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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whatever image was attached is broken on my end so I cannot see it.
I'll translate with a slight adjustment.

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Well, anyway, . . .

193 countries begin insulting Pence . . .

is this from the f'ing onion?
i have a very difficult time believing that these foreign leaders actually said these words. if they actually did, please ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, NYT, WP.....put this on the front page and in the 1st slot of nightly reports.

"“Mike Pence is just a dumbfuck partisan hack who doesn’t have the faintest clue about international relations or running a country,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel, joining nearly 200 other presidents and prime ministers who mercilessly degraded Pence as “cowardly,” “full of crap,” and “repulsive” in a concerted effort to stave off any more direct contact with Trump or have him ever visit their countries. “Mike Pence was a shit governor of a shit state, and he’s as incompetent as he is ugly. Just a pandering, feckless asshole with the personality and intelligence of roadkill. Meeting him in person was one of the worst encounters of our lives—he and his whole family can go fuck themselves.” World leaders finished their comments by adding that if there were any justice in the world, Mike Pence would rot away alone in the dank halls of a federal penitentiary."
is this from the f'ing onion?
i have a very difficult time believing that these foreign leaders actually said these words. if they actually did, please ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, NYT, WP.....put this on the front page and in the 1st slot of nightly reports.

"“Mike Pence is just a dumbfuck partisan hack who doesn’t have the faintest clue about international relations or running a country,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel, joining nearly 200 other presidents and prime ministers who mercilessly degraded Pence as “cowardly,” “full of crap,” and “repulsive” in a concerted effort to stave off any more direct contact with Trump or have him ever visit their countries. “Mike Pence was a shit governor of a shit state, and he’s as incompetent as he is ugly. Just a pandering, feckless asshole with the personality and intelligence of roadkill. Meeting him in person was one of the worst encounters of our lives—he and his whole family can go fuck themselves.” World leaders finished their comments by adding that if there were any justice in the world, Mike Pence would rot away alone in the dank halls of a federal penitentiary."

Look at the address.
Is trump really blaming the dems for breaking up families at the border? Wasn't he or sessions saying this had to be done less than 2 weeks ago?
^^ Reference 69 is a fake reference prepared by the Deep State following the orders of Barrack Obama. SPYGATE and references like this are shameful behavior from the Democrats who can't accept that Trump won the election by such HUGE margin. WAKE UP. NO COLLUSION. NO OBSTRUCTION. WINNING.
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