ok, new check in. As you know, we are divorcing, and after that decision, I decided to test the dating waters, not right in my town, but in Boise. Didn't mean to fall in with someone I cared about but did.
Well, that person apparently was starting to experience a massive relapse with alcohol, which I did not pick up on until things were getting worse. But by then, I was pretty smitten. This person is british, (irish born and adopted) raised in London with incredible musical taste imo, super kind, very smart, advocate for those she serves as a vocational rehab counselor, loving, swears like Roy Kent at times, makes me smile and feel loved, ... but, also experienced a lot of trauma, some of it sexual, over the course of her life and when active in her addiction, drinks heavily and fast to knock herself out, and the wheels are coming off the cart.
I have been down the alanon road before with my Mom and one of my kids, and I have read a lot on addiction just recently including more empirical theories as opposed or in addition to more faith based 12 step ones, (I think each have there place. (Hers is more brain chemistry and trauma therapy). And I have a hard time kicking her to the curb as she wants to get help but has not followed through yet. Had a bed date at what seems to be a good place on Saturday and she passed it up. She set up her own bed date at the same place this coming Wednesday, and I really hope she goes, but fear she may not. And I can control none of it. She talks about dying in plain site like Winehouse or Cobain (she usually talks about the women and even thinks about writing a book about the Dead Girls where the book opens with several dead female artists sitting in the room, Billie Holiday, Amy, Dolores, Whitney, and they say to each other WTF? How did we get here?)
She is a very good and nice person with a big problem. And of course, none of this is anything I should be taking on right now. But kinda too late in a way, so now, my choice is when do I step off the addiction ride and say farewell to a person I love, if she chooses to stay on the ride and not get help? I mean if she was sick with cancer would I walk away? And it is not her first attempt to get help either. So she is jaded on that. Though open to the idea that a different more trauma recovery brain science based approach could help. But yeah, when to say when. Again.
Ok, got that out to other humans I care about and now I will pivot and prepare for some court.
Thanks all.
Yeah, and didn't really mean to land myself into something like this, or even a meaningful relationship with someone, this early.