Mental health check-in

This is definitely that kinda week isn't it.

I found out Tuesday that a friend who I was in a band with for 5 years had a minor heart attack last weekend. He is right about my age. He is doing good and was able to go home...but still...

Then I found out last night that a friend I used to play/sing with at church died suddenly of what they think was a 'massive coronary event' while he was working out at the gym. He was 45 years old and in great physical shape. I need to remember that every 24 around the globe is a gift - and not to waste it.
Mojo to all. I am hanging out with my apparently dying Mom. It appears from all signs and some test results, and the results of a MRI Friday, that she has liver cancer, along with her congestive heart failure, and her kidneys are starting to struggle. She pretty much just sleeps. I have been trying to get additional help, or her into skilled nursing, or with hospice and nursing at home, which looks like the way it is going to go. I tried to get some work done this week from her place, but was not very successful. I need to stay on up to another half week to finish getting things here arranged, and just to spend some time, as when I leave, pretty likely that is it. I love her but we have a goofy relationship. Lots of Catholic guilt involved with her. and I am just not that into it. But, she has been a survivor, (breast cancer twice) and has been a good Nana to the kids.

I got a long, hard bike ride in today for some self care. Feeling sore and tired now. Better than stewing.

And I brought a guitar and that has been nice.

Mojo to all.
Dang Steve, mojo right back.

Well I guess deaths do come in threes. An old former (radio) DJ friend of mine just posted on facebook that his young adult daughter died in her sleep overnight. She was living with her grandparents. This friend was already a widower, went through the mill with depression and drugs to the point of bottoming out and going to jail for awhile, up in the Midwest somewhere. A couple years back he moved back to Gainesville and started rebuilding his life, working construction and whatever he could find. He seemed to be doing really well of late, and now this. Given his history I fear he could fall apart again, despite how well he's been doing recently.

Us probably 20 years ago.

Dang Steve, mojo right back.

Well I guess deaths do come in threes. An old former (radio) DJ friend of mine just posted on facebook that his young adult daughter died in her sleep overnight. She was living with her grandparents. This friend was already a widower, went through the mill with depression and drugs to the point of bottoming out and going to jail for awhile, up in the Midwest somewhere. A couple years back he moved back to Gainesville and started rebuilding his life, working construction and whatever he could find. He seemed to be doing really well of late, and now this. Given his history I fear he could fall apart again, despite how well he's been doing recently.

Us probably 20 years ago.


Yes, mojo to all.
Mojo to all.

I'm having a severe case of pandemic fatigue this week. So far I've been fine, financially everything's fine, life's pretty good and we're signing the papers for the apartment we're buying tomorrow. Good stuff all around. But I'm having a real hard time enjoying anything properly at the moment. I'm getting real fed up with anything pandemic related. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% behind any restrictions in place and all that, I'm just so done with worrying about every itch in my throat, having to weigh my options every time I have to go somewhere that involves other people, following the news, etc. To some extent I'd almost wish the situation here would be worse so there'd just be a reason for an all out lockdown and just sitting it out at home. As it is, the situation is deteriorating here, which obviously isn't good, but also not to the extent that going full blown "fuck everything and stay at home" is justified or healthy. The constant juggling of people's expectations and different attitudes towards the current restrictions is really doing my head in.

I do count my blessings that other than my grandma who officially passed away from COVID in April 2020 (but realistically, when I left NL in January I fully expected to be back within a few months for her funeral anyway, she was 93 and it was a medical miracle that she was still alive), no one I really know has been tested positive and/or had any major health issues. So as bad as I feel right now, every speckle of good vibes I have goes to all of you who did lose or had people go through hell.
@Brian Krashpad beard/face mojo. My wife won't let me shave because when I do she says my chin disappears and I look like a turtle. Thanks babe.
Positive note, you can wear a mask while waiting for the beard to grow back. Hey look! The pandemic has a positive! :grin:
I'll just leave now.
Just assisted my Mom with a telehealth visit with her PCP to fill out her POLST order/DNR. Gonna go change and ride my bike over to the Doc's office to pick it up. One more thing checked off the list. Yesterday was a liver specialist visit where diagnosis of liver cancer, with intrusion into lymph nodes was confirmed. Initially, an oncologist consult was scheduled as Mom kinda wanted to hear about it. Though the liver PA was clear there is no curative treatment, and given her condition, the length of life extension, and certainly quality of life, would be questionable. So Mom rethought that last night, and we are following through with tomorrow's hospice set up instead, and did the POLST. Saying it out loud to you guys to get that out there as it is a bit surreal. Ok, as said, now for a bicycle pedal. And then some play with a fuzz pedal.
My wife and I got our second Covid shot today. We were walking out of the county health dept. feeling pretty good. Then my phone rang. My wife had taken a Cologuard test and her Dr. was calling to tell her the results were positive. Well the good feeling lasted a whole few minutes. I've always said only two things terrify me, needles and heights. Guess what? I just found a third thing.
My wife and I got our second Covid shot today. We were walking out of the county health dept. feeling pretty good. Then my phone rang. My wife had taken a Cologuard test and her Dr. was calling to tell her the results were positive. Well the good feeling lasted a whole few minutes. I've always said only two things terrify me, needles and heights. Guess what? I just found a third thing.

Damn - all the best for Mrs. 381...
Just assisted my Mom with a telehealth visit with her PCP to fill out her POLST order/DNR.

Mo mojo. I had to google POLST.

For everyone else, according to

"POLST does not “stand for” anything. POLST is now a term in itself, not an acronym. National POLST stopped using the phrase “physician orders for life-sustaining treatment” in 2018 for many reasons, including the fact that the health care professionals involved, though this varies from state to state, are not limited to just physicians. We refer to POLST as a portable medical order."
Mo mojo. I had to google POLST.

For everyone else, according to

"POLST does not “stand for” anything. POLST is now a term in itself, not an acronym. National POLST stopped using the phrase “physician orders for life-sustaining treatment” in 2018 for many reasons, including the fact that the health care professionals involved, though this varies from state to state, are not limited to just physicians. We refer to POLST as a portable medical order."
My brother, the fire department deputy chief, simply said we needed one, in addition to her lawyer drafted Living Will and Health Care Power of Attorney, so that if for some reason aid came, that they knew whether or not she wanted to be resuscitated or wanted CPR, transport to the hospital, etc. In a simple form they will immediately recognize. She has elected not to receive those things. And my brother Brad said if CPR was attempted, it would likely just mean a bunch of broken elderly ribs and not likely an real return. And he has had to do that on elders, and it is not fun for the first responders. So, a bright green form in plain view where they would enter to give aid is the best thing in this circumstance. This has all been hard, but I am glad I have been able to take the time to assess things, discuss things with Mom and my family, and get really good arrangements put together for her care and comfort and dignified passing. And super lucky she has the dough to make it happen. Everyone should have access to this as part of a public health care system.
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My wife and I got our second Covid shot today. We were walking out of the county health dept. feeling pretty good. Then my phone rang. My wife had taken a Cologuard test and her Dr. was calling to tell her the results were positive. Well the good feeling lasted a whole few minutes. I've always said only two things terrify me, needles and heights. Guess what? I just found a third thing.
Not checked in for a while because all things considered, we were plodding along without issue.

Work is starting to ramp up as the kids return - I've dreaded this from day 1. All kids in the building or all kids learning remotely = not a problem. Trying to juggle 30% of them being in the building in their own little mini bubbles whilst still doing digital learning = a pita.

We're rolling out a significant new policy I'm leading so I'm dealing with the teething issues from that too.

Also my foot is fucked. I stood on a tiny stone putting the bin out on Wednesday right on the muscle and now I can barely walk. I've spent most of the time since Thursday lying on the couch feeling sorry for myself.

I feel frazzled and didn't want to have a totally unproductive weekend. It's been on the list since Christmas so I gutted out our laundry cupboard which previously looked like a grenade had gone off in it. Dozens of towels and bedding sets all over the place.

I've still to take the old bedding to the dog shelter but half an hour of graft has perked me right up. I reorganised a cupboard in the kitchen too that had been overflowing - uncluttered house, uncluttered mind.

Yesterday was the last day of my 4th chemo cycle. Optimistically, that’ll be one third down.

I am exhausted and a little irritable. To the point where when I hear an able-bodied person say “I’m tired,” I want to respond with a curt “no, you’re not.”

Went for a walk with the dogs the other day, and I’m really paying for it.

Getting a ton of reading done, and have an enormous amount of support from family — can’t imagine someone living this week at without it — but fuck. I just feel done.
Yesterday was the last day of my 4th chemo cycle. Optimistically, that’ll be one third down.

I am exhausted and a little irritable. To the point where when I hear an able-bodied person say “I’m tired,” I want to respond with a curt “no, you’re not.”

Went for a walk with the dogs the other day, and I’m really paying for it.

Getting a ton of reading done, and have an enormous amount of support from family — can’t imagine someone living this week at without it — but fuck. I just feel done.
I don't want to hit "Like", but this essentially what this is. The generic "I hear what you're saying but don't want to make it look like I'm enjoying what you're going through" thing.