Mark's Music School Diary.

You're the guy I hated in college...

...just thought you should know...
I wasn’t the first time around. This time it’s embarrassing to get anything other than A’s because I’m 48 fucking years old and this is all undergrad shot.

Back to School 2:Electric Boogaloo!
This semester is really full but not very eventful so far. My last GE class is Behavioral Ecology. This week I learned about how Bonobo Monkeys have sex for more than just procreation and how Homosexuality is common in nature so it is not abnormal in humans, no matter what you think your bible says. And here is some SCIENCE to prove it.

World Music has been really cool because it is more about culture, history and people. We learn all about the music but the scope of the class is really interesting. My term paper is about blues in Southerm California and the culture of blues jam musicians. I shit you not.

Music Pedagogy is obviously going well but the focus of the class is how to teach big band jazz in public school and I’m not a Music Ed major. Also, the professor is an incredibly talented and experienced m (and Grammy award winning) big band teacher but I don’t think he’s ever taught in public school before.

The rest is just my combo, the big band and my recital. Once I get past the recital at the end of the month life should get easier.
My recital is a week from Sunday. Had my first private lesson in a month today and early three hours later I feel pretty good about things, although I still have a shit ton of work to do.
Haven’t earned it yet, but I did have to pay for it today:

So this is spring break this week. I got an A on my midterm for the Human Behavioral Ecology class so I'm still getting about a 95% for the semester, my World Music grade is still a pretty high A and I got a 100% on the Jazz Pedagogy midterm (which has been our only grade so far in that class). Now that my recital is over the rest of the semester is mostly about writing three medium-length research papers, doing a demonstration in the pedagogy class (I'm just going to teach shit I normally teach my own students) and a couple of concerts. And then finals.