Give me something to watch on Netflix

I watched the Western 'Hostiles' with Christian Bale playing a US Cavalry officer during whatsever war was on against the indians.

Very good I thought.

I watched it on a plane, back in the pre-COVID days. I enjoyed it, but it is grim!
I watched a few episodes of Superstore and lord help me, I think I'm falling in love with Dina and I have no explanation for it.
Saturday Morning all star hits is pretty awesome. In particular Randy the Teenage dinosaur is awesome...totally awesome !

I watched Siberia on Netflix last night. It has Keanu Reeves so I had high hopes. Let me sum it's a movie about Keanu Reeves cheating on his wife for no reason with a girl in a small town in Siberia and they bang like 5 times and that takes up most of the movie. Oh and there's something about black market diamonds. What an absolute turdfest.
I watched Siberia on Netflix last night. It has Keanu Reeves so I had high hopes. Let me sum it's a movie about Keanu Reeves cheating on his wife for no reason with a girl in a small town in Siberia and they bang like 5 times and that takes up most of the movie. Oh and there's something about black market diamonds. What an absolute turdfest.
Im starting to see a pattern with movies where Keanu cheats on his wife being really bad.
I noticed that "Upload" was from the Parks and Recs people. I tried to watch an episode, but couldn't make it through. Does it ever get funny?
I enjoyed that show and was trying to explain it to everyone else in my house that thought it was cheesy and couldn’t really come up with anything.
Well, I mean, it is kinda cheesy. But you gotta love it!
5 episodes in to Last Kingdon and Uhtred is not so impulsive, I guess that's due to his age with grown children. Anyways, the amount of facepalm is now very acceptable.
I started that last night, a few of my friends recommended it. I’m 3 episodes in, does it get better, or is it always a worse version of Vikings?
The first season or so I watched it just because I wanted something to watch and didn't like Vikings (sue me).

This season is thoroughly enjoyable as a lot of characters have now aged and matured and are dealing with their children that are as impulsive and prideful as they themselves were, some of the ones that were cringeworthy shallow (written) are now absolutely enjoyable on screen, some you hate at times but are still weirdly sympathetic.

Let's just say, if you just need something to let run for the first couple of seasons it does get better.
5 episodes in to Last Kingdon and Uhtred is not so impulsive, I guess that's due to his age with grown children. Anyways, the amount of facepalm is now very acceptable.

5 episodes or 5 seasons in? I just finished episode 7 and he’s still pretty impulsive and he only has the 1 baby.