My karma this year is comically oriented to reminding me of what an asshole I am. Last couple of days I had two of the worst rides of my life. And of course this is after I allowed myself to feel good about my summer biking program and how wonderful it is to ride in Albuquerque.
Ride 1: Friend says he needs to check on refrigeration issue at brewery he has bought into. No, I don't mind changing our ride to go there. He then suggests a route; I point out that there are rednecks in pickups in that hood, and the road has bad surfaces. "Oh, it'll be fine." Within our first mile, we got the elbow-buzz/f-bomb treatment from some douche in a F-250 with a lift kit. Within 8 miles, friend has taken me onto the access road linking on- and off-ramps for I-40. We are on a shoulder-less, pitted surface, with cars passing at 70mph. I tell him "this is a bad idea," and he was nice, but WTF? He got a flat tire, too - kinda made my point.
Ride 2: Albuquerque doesn't have earthquakes. Nor tornadoes. Blizzards are infrequent, and while we do have flash-floods in summer, most people fortunately avoid them. What we do have for shit weather is Wind. Note the capitalization. The spring winds off the mesa are ... different than wind in other places.
It blows consistently, and hard - those theatric whistling noises you hear in movies? We got 'em. And the raw mph is just plain higher than other places.
Like today's ride. 20 miles in, the wind just went haywire. Blowing steadily at around 20 mph (not estimated - from Accuweather), with gusts up over 40mph. I saw a woman in front of me blown off the path - first gust sent her off line; the ensuing harder gust just pushed her right off the path. Jesus H. Christ.
I went from enjoying a 17-18mph brisk pace to pedaling just to get back to the car. You know how leaves cartwheel and tumble in strong winds? And then in other situations, all kinds of shit just blows upwards and towards you? It was the latter. I went down to 5-6 mph in some spots, and felt fortunate not to have to get off the bike. (Several other parties had).
Cycling is usually one of my safe places - I am happy on a bike, I feel good on a bike, I can enter into some vaguely okay-with-my-true-self space on a bike.
This was fucking torture.
These are not serious problems, I know. But I really need to get back to enjoyable rides.