The Biking Thread

Had to go back to the bike shop after picking up my bike because they added $25 of indecipherable and inexplicable charges to my bill. :facepalm: I didn't want to scrutinize the receipt while I was at the counter and didn't want to think about spending money on the way home so I didn't look at it. :facepalm: They refunded and I don't think it was on purpose but I'm pretty much out of bike shops around here that haven't fucked something up. Too bad I'm the least handy man in the universe.
Finally got in a full ride, the first one since early June. It started out at 79F and quickly heated up to hell on concrete.

I think I need to get that Garmin app, it gives you calories :grin:
This is my usual ride. I don't know how many calories this amounts to. I'm not sure how to compare to Tig's ride because he's faster but flatter than me :P.

  • 43.0mi
  • Moving Time
  • 2,033ft
  • 147W
    Estimated Avg Power
  • 1,393kJ
    Energy Output
Avg Max
Speed 16.4mi/h 32.2mi/h

Elapsed Time 2:42:embarrassed:5
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Reactions: Tig
I think I need to get that Garmin app, it gives you calories :grin:
This is my usual ride. I don't know how many calories this amounts to. I'm not sure how to compare to Tig's ride because he's faster but flatter than me :tongue:.

  • 43.0mi
  • Moving Time
  • 2,033ft
  • 147W
    Estimated Avg Power
  • 1,393kJ
    Energy Output
Avg Max
Speed 16.4mi/h 32.2mi/h

Elapsed Time 2:42:embarrassed:5

My rides are flatter than my 6th grade girlfriend was. :)

I felt up to a short sprint today but backed off since the heat was getting to my heart rate and I hate puking.
From Strava for the .5 mile sprint section:

AVG Speed 28.1mi/h
MAX 31.3mi/h
Est Power 572W
Elev Gain 0ft

I can almost smell the petrochemicals.

Nah, the route through Friendswood, Alvin, the dog track, and Dickinson doesn't get near any plants.
Going North towards La Porte and Deer Park is another story, however. :-\
Nah, the route through Friendswood, Alvin, the dog track, and Dickinson doesn't get near any plants.
Going North towards La Porte and Deer Park is another story, however. :-\


On the big ride I did on the 4th I inhaled somebody's brush fire and was worried that I was going to wind up with poison ivy lungs. Apparently not, but still really irritating.
Wanting to ride today, but it is smoky. Not sure where from. On vacation and have been driving, and need to move my legs. But smoky days are not my favorite for opening up the lungs, despite what they used to do on the early Tours.

It may blow out in a bit.
My rides are flatter than my 6th grade girlfriend was. :)

I felt up to a short sprint today but backed off since the heat was getting to my heart rate and I hate puking.
From Strava for the .5 mile sprint section:

AVG Speed 28.1mi/h
MAX 31.3mi/h
Est Power 572W
Elev Gain 0ft

Wow no way I could get something like that speed...on a flat. I would struggle to get something that fast on a downhill. Course I couldn't find any 1/2 mile sections that had no elevation gain either on my route today and I would have had to want to do a sprint in addition. I'm not going to do that I just ride at my pace for the most part. Today I set a Strava PB for me on one of the long segments which I was happy about since that is more of an indication of my fitness level I think. Not fast by your standards but I was happy, 5.6 miles, 196' of elevation and my average speed was 18.3 with a max of 28 mph. Given that I've ridden that maybe 100 times to get a PB on a ride that was knowingly going to be longer than others was nice. However I might have paid a price because my knee was kind of sore for a while on the longer climb. But it worked itself out and I ended doing a ride with a bit more climbing than my normal route above (about 43.5 miles and 2160') and I felt good. The weather was really humid for this area but the sun stayed behind clouds for the most part that kept it comfortable. It even rained a bit :zoinks:
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Biked my age (and a little bit more today). 57.6 miles, 15.9 mph 2577' of climbing. Feel good afterward too but in fairness this wasn't that hard of a route, only one climb of significance. Weather was great for the ride, mid 70's though it was a bit breezy
Did 135-mile ride yesterday. Headlight is spiffy so I left a little after 3.

My former polling place right off of Route 66.
Abe Lincoln circuit rider memorial placed oddly close to a creek and weirdly far from the road.
IMG_7988.JPG IMG_7989.JPG IMG_8052.JPG
Sorry, health forum. This was on the return leg about 90 miles in and it was AMAZING. Place is 45 miles away but I'm either going to have to ride or drive there again.
IMG_8059.JPG IMG_8068.JPG
Soyscape in the heart of ADM country
On Blue Mound, which is a Kame. Also home to a fully functioning restroom. :thu:
IMG_8111.JPG IMG_8131.JPG

Certainly wasn't easy but I wasn't totally destroyed at the end thanks to the early start and lots of food/drink/rest breaks.
Nice ride and pictures...well ok nice pictures, I don't know if I could or would want to be in the saddle for that long and certainly not that early. Even a 100 miles seems daunting. How long does it take to do that ride? I can see it's pretty flat but that's still a long way
Awesome ride and photos! :thu:

I've never ridden more than 108 miles, and that was in my 20's.
Nice ride and pictures...well ok nice pictures, I don't know if I could or would want to be in the saddle for that long and certainly not that early. Even a 100 miles seems daunting. How long does it take to do that ride? I can see it's pretty flat but that's still a long way

I was out for about 14 hours and 20 minutes but (guessing here) about three hours of that was food/drink/rest breaks and I figure another hour was stopping momentarily to look at a map, take a surreptitious piss, take pictures, etc. Also think something might be gummed up somewhere because I can only use the two highest gears on downhills now and at the start of the year I thought I was going to have to get a different cassette or something because the highest gear wasn't high enough. I cleaned the chain and cassette but it didn't really improve. :shrug: Hate this because I can't just take it to the shop and say "Fix such and such." I do know the bike gets really damn dirty riding on the back roads around here so I assume it's down to that. Just don't know where.

I did get 1240 of elevation gain but that was closer to home with lots of creeks and rivers, which is not a great way to start or end a ride like that. Definitely very flat for the bulk it, though.

I either need another saddle or a seat cushion because it absolutely destroyed my ass :embarrassed:, whatever the bones under yer cheeks are. Still hurts a bit.

Also almost crashed while monkeying with my headlight in full daylight, but that's obligatory. Last big ride I almost crashed because I did a doubletake at a tiny little baby bunny. :embarrassed:

Awesome ride and photos! :thu:

I've never ridden more than 108 miles, and that was in my 20's.

I'm 37 with hyperthyroidism, which is pretty draining, but I think it helps that I like the exploring part of it so much.
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