OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Well, this was presidential:

He should have heard the guy out and then refuted him. Shutting him down makes him look like he's hiding something.
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ya know mark, they say the definition of insanity is doing (watching in this case) the same thing over and over and over and expecting a different outcome.

the next 4 years are going to be......fuck, i can't even come up with a word that is bad enough.
i wish i had money.....i'd be buying my way into another country right now.
new zealand is nice.
Well, this was presidential:

He should have heard the guy out and then refuted him. Shutting him down makes him look like he's hiding something.
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He's making enemies. Right now he thinks he's bulletproof because he won. It wouldn't surprise me if someone finds out he or his campaign at least knew the Russians were behind the hacking months ago. The question is will anyone care if something like that does come out. People seem so disengaged from anything of actual importance and go bonkers over Meryl Streep or golden shower parties.
His supporters need to get over the fact that he won the election and move forward.

He now has to work in the most scrutinised office in the history of mankind and they have to own his shit through and through. Gonna be an awful long and tedious four years of leftist trolling, if he makes it that long.

I'm going with the GOP having already decided to impeach him somewhere down the line and just let Pence do it, or he catches some lead.
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