OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Bankruptcy is a business plan. The difference between him going bankrupt and you or I going bankrupt is like night and day.

my point is that if he doesn't give a shit about going bankrupt, and all the employees that no long have jobs.....then the piece of shit CERTAINLY shouldn't be running a country.
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Watching you dutifully soft-pedal this idea that Trump and Hillary have so much in common is amusing. It's akin to a child living in an apartment trying to convince her parents to buy her a pony because the little girl down the hall got a gerbil. It's completely detached from reality but the passion and effort is admirable.
Not my angle, but if that's what you think, no worries.

Trump and HRC are vastly different animals.

They're both doing what they do best. I'll give Trump a nod for staying true to his game. I've been saying he's one Howard Dean scream away from losing it, and I believe it.

You mean the scream that happened IN THE FIRST PRIMARY of the whole election season, in which Dean finished 5th?

Yeah that's gonna happen for sure...strong insight!
hey......@wagdog and @VoidTerraFirma
will you two knock it off. you're turning this thread into a personal fight and it's going to get the thread locked.
we've gotten to 83 pages without a fight.
FWIW, I got nothin' against anyone man, really.

The reason this has gone on as well as it has is it's basically a left-wing circle jerk with no one getting bent at the obvious slant.

Exhibit a:
Yeah. If you wanted to behave like children, then you should have pursued the Republican nomination.
I think the fact that the folks who lean right have constrained themselves here shows who's acting like children.
To be talking in America in 2016 about Mao is a good idea, and a socialist is running for president and that’s OK…

Confusing Democratic Socialism with Maoism is the 2016 version of claiming Obama’s a Communist and Nazi.

I bet D’Arcy’s really happy the Pumpkins never got back together right now.
I'll give Trump a nod for staying true to his game. I've been saying he's one Howard Dean scream away from losing it, and I believe it.

Howard Dean has got to be pissed. One out of context scream cost him the nomination. Everytime Drumpf opens his fucking mouth and spews nonsense or bile, his supporters eat it up. Every time you think "this is the one that people will shun him for" it just gives him more press. :annoyed:
Howard Dean has got to be pissed. One out of context scream cost him the nomination.

His campaign was already doomed before the scream. That’s why he gave that absurd speech. What cost him the nomination was not having been a Democrat long enough to have a party machine helping him win.

The person who’s really got a right to be pissed is Joe Biden. Remember when people thought he couldn’t be president because he’s gaffe-prone? Biden is Shakespeare’s Marc Antony compared to the rest of the 2016 field. He’d have locked up the nomination two months ago.
You talking about Corgan, Jones, or Sanders?

Corgan and Jones mostly. They're both natively quick guys with some obvious gifts, but they've painted themselves into conceptual corners thanks to a worldview that is as tempting as it is flawed.

Individual experience and naive smarts are great, but sometimes actually knowing things and having a rigorous intellectual framework for evaluating arguments can keep you from going on Internet television and saying astoundingly dumb stuff. Also, Gen X paranoia makes for better Radiohead songs than political platforms.
Howard Dean has got to be pissed. One out of context scream cost him the nomination. Everytime Drumpf opens his fucking mouth and spews nonsense or bile, his supporters eat it up. Every time you think "this is the one that people will shun him for" it just gives him more press. :annoyed:
Thank you for getting my point.

Dean was a popular gov here in VT. He handily won re-election 5 times. Much like Bernie, he enjoyed support from both sides of the aisle. I would have voted for him if he had received the nomination.
His campaign was already doomed before the scream. That’s why he gave that absurd speech. What cost him the nomination was not having been a Democrat long enough to have a party machine helping him win.
Howard Dean wasn't a democrat long enough? When wasn't he a democrat?

I seem to remember him always being a democrat. Am I mistaken?
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