OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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It's astounding that people used the phrase "Bernie Bro" seriously in the first place, but still?
I resent that too. I think many of the failures of the ACA would be solved by policies proposed by Bernie. He did not vote for the "Patriot" Act, or the most recent war in the desert. I campaigned for Hilary after she won the nomination because she would be competent, and better than the alternative. But not because I preferred her. I prefer the voting record and the proposals of Mr. Sanders. The term "Bernie Bro" is dismissive and insulting, and continues to show that the mainstream dems still don't get it.
I really lost some respect for her with this one. She may earn it back, but this was poorly handled. Makes me almost agree with Howie on the news outlets wanting to screw this up for money and ratings.
I have zero problem with what she did. She didn't change her show's format. She did what she always does and give context to a story because she realizes that things don't exist in a vacuum.

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Trump visited Andrew Jackson’s tomb today. Because he knew a court would strike down the Muslim ban 2.0. Trump is slowing building momentum toward disregarding the authority of the courts. And he’s making sure his neo-nazi supporters feel like he’s on their team so they goad Congress into backing him.

the authority of the courts are all that is standing between what's left of our republic and dictatorship. he should think that over, carefully. he won't, but he should. his skin heads ain't the only ones who know how to hunt.
the authority of the courts are all that is standing between what's left of our republic and dictatorship. he should think that over, carefully. he won't, but he should. his skin heads ain't the only ones who know how to hunt.

I wish they'd get it over with already. I'm going to be severely disappointed if there's no apocalypse before the end of the year.
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