OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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My head hurts. I can't figure out if they really don't understand the difference or if this is just lame spin. I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say its totally spin but part of me thinks they really see these as eqivilent situations.
Well you got the ones who are probably just clueless, probably not the brightest, and think it's relevant. And/Or people they trust are telling them it's legit and they buy it. I think this is Trump a lot of the time.

Then you got the ones who know it's all BS and just don't give a shit going with it.

Then you got the ones who deep down know it's BS, but do the mental gymnastics to rationalize it to themselves.
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God damn everything is spin. And tremendously bad spin at that.

They really need to hire better writers, but they're probably all liberal elitists :embarrassed:

It really is pretty weak spin. I mean, the administration seems to have resorted to the tired "I know you area but what am I" and "I'm rubber and your glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" tropes to satisfy the questions of the American people. I just assumed everyone but those who get their news at Stormfront see right through this garbage.

When their A game fails they bring up something Bill Clinton did in 1994, or point out that Obama is still black, or make up some alternative facts to support their actions.
now the new deterrent to moms bringing their kids with them across the mexico border......take the kids away, incarcerate the mom, and relocate the kid to a "state-sponsored guardian".

what the fuck is wrong with these people? jesus.....sending mom to jail and the kid to a resettlement location.
why don't they quit the bullshit and just put on the swastika arm bands.
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"People all doin' just what they're told
It's too bad, it's too sad
Thinkin' for yourself is a hard thing to do
Well, don't you know they're depending on you
To see them through, yeah
To see them through"

-Tom Johnston
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