OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I heard "Killing in the Name" on the radio today and thought " boy... Zack de la Rocha going off like that about the government back during the Bill Clinton presidency just seems silly today...".

Remember, that came out in '92 while Bush was still the president. So while it on the radio during Clinton, it was written under Bush.
I heard "Killing in the Name" on the radio today and thought " boy... Zack de la Rocha going off like that about the government back during the Bill Clinton presidency just seems silly today...".

Because with all things being relative, it is. All the Presidents have done, or presided over bad things being done. Usually, however, there seems some greater good justification...or at least they try to sell it that way. With the dumpster and the real power structure, they're just saying, "Here's what we're doing and fuck you if you don't like. We don't have to answer to you."

That obvious problem is that they're dead wrong. We are exactly who they have to answer to. The unfortunate part is the unwillingness of indoctrinated GOP flock to compromise on anything...especially the white "Christian" ones.

Still don't think I should have to share my oxygen with them.
Bannon flat-out said yesterday they're going to take out the media as part of their plan to take down the government from the inside. That talk from him should be getting more attention than it is.

It's getting a ton of attention....especially as it confirmed much of the worst-case speculation that has been going on but there weren't any real surprises.

I had a pretty weird conversation with a friend this morning that really made me stop and think. He's a lawyer; college education, JD & passed the BAR. Anywho he has been Trump supporter from the beginning but I never really knew how deep his ideologies ran until he started going off on the mainstream media. How he detests them and how he's fine w/ the Administration not only barring them from the Whitehouse but he's OK w/ DJT "punishing" them name of national security & the country would be better off with them gone. Would have never imagined he'd be so easily influenced as to oppose independent thought or contrary perspectives.
Remember, that came out in '92 while Bush was still the president. So while it on the radio during Clinton, it was written under Bush.
Bush the First is still relatively silly compared to now.

Also, the fact that the song itself is mainly about police isn't lost on me. I was thinking of RATM in general. <just to clarify in case anyone wondered.
I love that they're trying to boil it down to "these people are sore losers" rather than "people are genuinely pissed off at what's happening." It's not like it's a Falcons fan still moping about the Super Bowl.

I love that they're trying to boil it down to "these people are sore losers" rather than "people are genuinely pissed off at what's happening." It's not like it's a Falcons fan still moping about the Super Bowl.
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