OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Wow. I didn't think our friend Robert (dolphinstreet to you guys) knew such words. :)

Screen Shot 2017-02-19 at 12.10.26 PM.png

But yeah, fuck that guy.
I took a minute to watch the video the guy posted. The comments are atrocious. I don't really now how things are going in Europe but it seems like as @Dexter Inferno mentioned earlier they are having many of the same problems we are.
now dumpster is saying there were terrorist attacks in sweden yesterday. what the fuck is this asshole smoking?
more dumpster fake news.
See my post above. He bitches about "fake news" and then uses actual "fake news" in a speech:

Once again, we have a president who can't tell fact from fantasy.
Is that the case or does he just not care? Since his supporters are unwilling to question the validity of his statements, what does he have to gain by being factual or honest? He's had a history of being able to run BS so why stop now?
I don't know. you'd think he'd be tired of being called out on this bullshit by now if he knew the difference. I just think that he's not very internet/tech savvy and can't tell the difference between click bait fake sites and actual sources.
I don't know. you'd think he'd be tired of being called out on this bullshit by now if he knew the difference. I just think that he's not very internet/tech savvy and can't tell the difference between click bait fake sites and actual sources.

The short game of the admin's war with the media is that he can confirm his core supporters beliefs & assure them he is right/true but much more important, by eroding public confidence in any media source critical of him or his policies, he renders the fact-check useless. Unfortunately, there will always be unreliable infotainment media outlets he can use to smear all journalists with his fake news brush.

If the majority of the public doesn't know how to determine what is fact or fiction, then nothing is a lie.
The short game of the admin's war with the media is that he can confirm his core supporters beliefs & assure them he is right/true but much more important, by eroding public confidence in any media source critical of him or his policies, he renders the fact-check useless. Unfortunately, there will always be unreliable infotainment media outlets he can use to smear all journalists with his fake news brush.

If the majority of the public doesn't know how to determine what is fact or fiction, then nothing is a lie.
The short game of the admin's war with the media is that he can confirm his core supporters beliefs & assure them he is right/true but much more important, by eroding public confidence in any media source critical of him or his policies, he renders the fact-check useless. Unfortunately, there will always be unreliable infotainment media outlets he can use to smear all journalists with his fake news brush.

If the majority of the public doesn't know how to determine what is fact or fiction, then nothing is a lie.

"if you tell a big enough lie, and keep repeating it, people will eventually come believe it" - Joseph Goebbels.

"If you tell the same lie enough times, people will believe it; and the bigger the lie, the better." - Joseph Goebbels.
I think everyone agrees that the ACA needs to be fixed. I also feel like many of the problems with it have to do with the Republicans obstructing the implementation of the bill in any way they could during the Obama years and no one controlling the insurance and pharma companies. But I also remember that ACA seemed rushed out without being fully formed in the beginning as I watched a few of my students who happen to be insurance agents struggle with how it was all going to work when they had deadlines for enrollment and compliance with the law without many important parts of it being actually worked out or written and disseminated effectively to those who needed the information to get the work done.

Instead of using the ACA as a club to punish the people you don't agree with, the government should actually just fix the damn thing. But that won't happen. Because compromise is dead.

I don't think the ACA was rushed. They basically implemented Mitt's plan he used when he was governor of MA. They used it because they figured it was created by a republican so the republicans would get behind it. They went into it fully knowing it would have to be tweaked but they got it done that way so something was on the books and even flawed as it is, people would see the benefits and it would be latched onto like medicare so no one would want it gone and then they could fix it as time went on. After all of the previous attempts at health care failed, they wanted something passed even if it wasn't 100% what they wanted, they needed the victory. Their biggest failure was not knowing that the republicans would act like 3 year olds and throw a temper tantrum and not get behind anything that wasn't 100% they way they liked it. You would have thought a group of old men wouldn't act that way and being in congress as long as most of them have, you would think they would know how to compromise.
t the republicans would act like 3 year olds and throw a temper tantrum and not get behind anything that wasn't 100% they way they liked it. You would have thought a group of old men wouldn't act that way and being in congress as long as most of them have, you would think they would know how to compromise.

and that is exactly how we are in the fucked up place that we are.
I transcribe calls to the USPS 800 number and there were two subhuman wasteoids this week saying they were offended by the mere choice of Spanish.

I transcribe calls to the USPS 800 number and there were two subhuman wasteoids this week saying they were offended by the mere choice of Spanish.


because we're the land of inclusion.......oh wait......we (or russia) elected the dumpster, so we're really the land of EXclusion.
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