OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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What makes you think AG wouldn't just be part of the ticket?
it shouldn't be. any more than a judge is part of the governor's or mayor's ticket. they're not. they are running a separate campaign. sure, it's quite possible for the A.G. and the Prez to get elected and be the same party. but that still means the AG is not serving the prez at his will.

anyway, i said what i think should happen and i'm done on the subject.
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This just in:
Someone called in a bomb threat at the local Jewish school.
Thanks Trump!
This just in:
Someone called in a bomb threat at the local Jewish school.
Thanks Trump!

My dad used to be a high school principal. He retired around 13 years ago. He said you wouldn't believe how many bomb threats are called in.
Are the republicans for real? Is Ashton Kutcher about to pop out of a van and tell us we've been punk'd?

"I can't understand why senators, who know we're going to have these two people go through, can't support the committee," said Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah).
"I'm very disappointed in this kind of crap. ... Some of this is because they just don't like the president."
"This is the most pathetic thing I've seen in my whole time in the United States Senate," he added.

Fuck you Orrin Hatch, were you in a coma for the last 8 years?
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