OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Are the republicans for real? Is Ashton Kutcher about to pop out of a van and tell us we've been punk'd?

"I can't understand why senators, who know we're going to have these two people go through, can't support the committee," said Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah).
"I'm very disappointed in this kind of crap. ... Some of this is because they just don't like the president."
"This is the most pathetic thing I've seen in my whole time in the United States Senate," he added.

Fuck you Orrin Hatch, were you in a coma for the last 8 years?

It's just politics. Blocking appointees is necessary for the Democrats to build credibility as an opposition party. Republicans job is to steamroll them.
Are the republicans for real? Is Ashton Kutcher about to pop out of a van and tell us we've been punk'd?

"I can't understand why senators, who know we're going to have these two people go through, can't support the committee," said Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah).
"I'm very disappointed in this kind of crap. ... Some of this is because they just don't like the president."
"This is the most pathetic thing I've seen in my whole time in the United States Senate," he added.

Fuck you Orrin Hatch, were you in a coma for the last 8 years?

The GOP has spend eight years telling supporters that Obama was humiliating them. Pundits regularly referred to Obama shoving things down their throats. Now they have to act strong by taking revenge and pretending that they’re humiliating the democrats. It’s all show.
It's just politics. Blocking appointees is necessary for the Democrats to build credibility as an opposition party. Republicans job is to steamroll them.
The GOP has spend eight years telling supporters that Obama was humiliating them. Pundits regularly referred to Obama shoving things down their throats. Now they have to act strong by taking revenge and pretending that they’re humiliating the democrats. It’s all show.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious. I know it's all a show, still fuck him. Stop putting on a fucking show and govern. We're all tired of this bullshit.
...and it's an interesting looks like two chunks swirling in the porcelain bowl.

That clean looking porcelain is the American dream and the two parties are the floaters, swirling and swirling because the blocked plumbing is freedom and democracy - it isn't working quite right or the crap would go down.
Are the republicans for real? Is Ashton Kutcher about to pop out of a van and tell us we've been punk'd?

"I can't understand why senators, who know we're going to have these two people go through, can't support the committee," said Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah).
"I'm very disappointed in this kind of crap. ... Some of this is because they just don't like the president."
"This is the most pathetic thing I've seen in my whole time in the United States Senate," he added.

Fuck you Orrin Hatch, were you in a coma for the last 8 years?

Yeah, it's amazing how the the subtlety, finesse, and nuance are gone. Less than a year ago and through the summer these same assholes flat out told the President FUCK YOU on a SCOTUS appointment. Yes, after eight years of trying to stop him from doing anything. They didn't hide this fact. The record objectively shows that they were the immovable object during President Obama's administrations. President Obama compromised above and beyond what I thought was acceptable and they never relented...even after asking for specific changes to bills and getting those changes on the bills (e.g.: ACA).

Sadly, it makes total sense that Trump is president regret and that the GOP is rallying behind him, because they are sadly more alike than different. And per standard operating procedure, they will NEVER admit to any wrong doing, hypocrisy, poor judgement, or outright (on the record) mistakes. The GOP has been the party of ZERO accountability since Cheney...errr...I mean Dubya was elected.

They have made our nation a disgrace. Not conservative values, not the idiots that bought into Trump (despite their deplorability) and voted for him (sheep), not the flawed candidates on both sides that couldn't stop this mess we're now in... No, it was the party that played into his hands, objected until it got weird, cowed at their opportunities to stop him, and then folded in line behind them.

They are the swamp and dipshit (or Bannon) has them eating out of his palm and they are all to afraid of losing their job to stand up to him.

Shame on them for being without principles or spines.
The senate approved Chao as head of the Transportation Department. I think she should have been immediately disqualified because she obviously has very poor judgement. :grin:
It goes without saying that anyone accepting a position in this administration has poor judgement, and that's about the nicest thing you can say about them.
care to say what we're supposed to see there, that is being violated by dumpster? i saw the reference to the miltary being members. is that it, or is there other stuff too.
(don't have time to read the whole thing here at work)

There's a couple of articles floating around saying that Bannon would need to be approved by the Senate in order to be on the National Security Council. But that's only true depending on his role. It's entirely plausible he could be a full time "attendee", not need Senate approval, and still have more influence over Trump than the other, vetted members.

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