OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Don't know how that tarriff on Mexican goods is supposed to help the immigration "problem." The US has an unskilled labor shortage and now you're trying to incentivize manufacturing in the US while keeping out the immigrants who will move here and do the manufacturing.

Weinerdomers raise your hand if you want a $9/hour job making fuses for 10 hours a day...

So long as there's no background check, I have a ton of candidates to send you.
Did anyone actually think it was going to be anyone other than the US tax payers funding this wall? It was pretty clear from the get go that we were going to be left holding the bill

you realize that beside the time it takes to actually design it and come up with the construction plans, there is also the land acquisition that will need to happen to build it on.
a LOT of that land is private/corporate. sure dumpster can claim eminent domain, but the law suits alone would take years to clear thru the courts. he won't even be in office the day they break ground. which means if the dems win 2020, the thing will never get built.

just sayin'
(i'm in the engineering buisiness. this is how it works)

edit: the wall IS the fucking smoke screen.
Gsus. What an absolute clusterfuck of a week. :embarrassed:

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