OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I'm not sure which is funnier, the fact that it isn't voter fraud to be registered in 2 states (its only illegal if you vote in both places) or that his top advisor (Steve Bannon) and his daughter (Tiffany Trump) are both registered in 2 states.

It was clear from the interview w/ David Muir that President Trump is under the mistaken impression that it is fraud.
When Muir brought up that the author of the Pew study that Trump has been referring to repeatedly (which was a study on administrative registration errors, like being registered in two states) stated he did not find fraud, Trump immediately said that the author must lying to please the media because that's not what the report said.
I'm reading the transcript of Trump's interview from last night. I know you're going to lose something in reading a transcript of a conversation rather than actually listening to it, but it's so.......disjointed is the best way I can think of to put it. Also, he seems legitimately delusional.

That's no different from campaign Trump.
Just popping in to say that I can hardly go on facebook anymore, even to check in on family, friends and activities reports as I like to do. Stuff like guitar, skiing, etc. Minefield. Just not worth it.

I can still check in here, but only in small doses. As someone posted, my desire to be informed is conflicting with my desire to stay sane.
the same people flipping out about Obama's relatively minor executive orders on immigration are acting pretty hypocritical about trump going about 10,000 steps further with his executive order to build the wall and hire 5000 federal employees a day after implementing a hiring freeze.

they should really stop calling themselves conservatives. this wall debacle is going to cost us, our kids and our grandkids so much money and do absolutely nothing. they claim to care about the deficit until they get in power and then they spend money we don't have on completely worthless shit.

well....if.....IF congress actually allocates the money to build the thing.....first there will have to be construction/engineering plans done. that could take a couple years. wall that size have deep and wide foundations and require quite a bit of structural engineering.
then by the time they get about 10%-15% of the foundation in the ground, dumpster's term will be up and with the rest of the shit he's doing and the repercussions from them, 2020 WILL NOT be a republican in the WH.....or the house or the senate.
of course the democrats would need to actually begin fighting that fight NOW.
So Rand Paul finally announced a plan to replace the ACA.

"The plan would abolish many of the central elements of ObamaCare, including the mandate that everyone has coverage. It would eliminate the minimum standards for which health services an insurance plan must cover, which Republicans argue would allow for cheaper, less comprehensive plans."

Translation - Your cost will remain the same and now all the insurance covers is the lollipop in the waiting room.
I really don't think he is all there. sleep deprivation is a real thing.

the interview on abc last night was hard to watch. he is unable to have a rational conversation if its going against his opinion.
So Rand Paul finally announced a plan to replace the ACA.

"The plan would abolish many of the central elements of ObamaCare, including the mandate that everyone has coverage. It would eliminate the minimum standards for which health services an insurance plan must cover, which Republicans argue would allow for cheaper, less comprehensive plans."

Translation - Your cost will remain the same and now all the insurance covers is the lollipop in the waiting room.

Took him 6 years to come with this plan? Great work, Rand!!
So Rand Paul finally announced a plan to replace the ACA.

"The plan would abolish many of the central elements of ObamaCare, including the mandate that everyone has coverage. It would eliminate the minimum standards for which health services an insurance plan must cover, which Republicans argue would allow for cheaper, less comprehensive plans."

Translation - Your cost will remain the same and now all the insurance covers is the lollipop in the waiting room.

My prediction is that the Republicans will repeal ACA and promise that they'll be introducing their replacement very shortly following.

True to word, they will introduce their replacement, which is wonderful - it will have all of the good stuff from the ACA and none of the bad (taxes, penalties). HOWEVER - it will also include some provision that Democrats will not accept - like defunding PP, or restricting women's birth control choices, or banning abortions. Something that no Democrats will vote yes on, but something that Republican voters wouldn't find terrible.

Conveniently, a few Republicans will abstain from voting, and without any Democrats voting for it, it will not pass. Then the Republicans will scream about how they had a great replacement, but the Democrats shot it down out of spite. They'll do a couple of iterations of this, then give up citing Democratic obstructionism.
My prediction is that the Republicans will repeal ACA and promise that they'll be introducing their replacement very shortly following.

True to word, they will introduce their replacement, which is wonderful - it will have all of the good stuff from the ACA and none of the bad (taxes, penalties). HOWEVER - it will also include some provision that Democrats will not accept - like defunding PP, or restricting women's birth control choices, or banning abortions. Something that no Democrats will vote yes on, but something that Republican voters wouldn't find terrible.

Conveniently, a few Republicans will abstain from voting, and without any Democrats voting for it, it will not pass. Then the Republicans will scream about how they had a great replacement, but the Democrats shot it down out of spite. They'll do a couple of iterations of this, then give up citing Democratic obstructionism.
That is so cynical and accurate.
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