Switzerland has the system the ACA was modeled on, with a mandated purchase of private insurance for every person. The poor get some govt support, but most people do not. The difference is that in the Swiss laws, the companies providing insurance must cover everyone, the government tells them what they can charge. They can't make a profit off the base coverage...but they can sell add ons like lower deductible, private rooms, etc plans st a profit. If you apply to a company they must take you. So, you have a regulated minimum coverage and companies can't make a profit. Companies use the basic coverage to pay thei staff and operations and make their money off the upsell of perks. The basic cost is about 400 bucks a month per person. I guess that gives you some idea what insurance actually costs. In terms of comparisons, the Swiss health system is among the very best in the world, and is better than what exists in the US.
I think the US made Mistakes in not closely regulating the prices companies can charge. We implemented a system like the Swiss, but with a giant loophole for insurance company profits.