Slender Hobbit
Der Postillon is the German version of The Onion.
Headline: "According to Press Secretary, Trump's first shit in white house was double the size of Obama's."
View attachment 31610
Der Postillon is the German version of The Onion.
Headline: "According to Press Secretary, Trump's first shit in white house was double the size of Obama's."
View attachment 31610
So there is the big problem. You and your friends don't understand how health insurance works. It isn't like car insurance where you have a deductible you pay before they kick in. My insurance has a $2000 deductible. But I don't pay the first $2000 before they pay anything. The deductible is for the portions you are responsible for and once you hit the deductible, you pay nothing out of pocket. For instance, the first procedure I had last year was an echo cardiogram. Since I went to a hospital, I was responsible for 20% of the bill (btw, the total bill is significantly less overall because the insurance company negotiates a lower bill before anything is paid). So I paid $850 and they paid $3400. That $850 went towards my deductible. The my wife had hip surgery and it only cost us $1150 out of pocket because after my $850, we were only responsible for $1150 on our deductible, then we paid nothing out of pocket the rest of the year. Also that $1200 a month is tax deductible (and if you can't afford that, the government does offer subsidies) so you should get a big fat refund check come tax time as well.
i think they used to call that electroshock therapy. it's basically legalized torture. so i guess dumpster would be on board with it.
It is now called ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) and is extremely successful in treating otherwise non responsive depression.
It is performed with the patient under general anesthesia (and has been for quite some time - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest notwithstanding).
I understand how insurance works and I asked if it was the typical 80/20 like pretty much all insurance used to be and they said it wasn't. Maybe they are idiots, I don't know. They said it was more of what we used to call a major medical thing and was only useful for catastrophic bills and that those plans were much higher. They were basically self insuring up to the point something significant happened. Again, maybe they just don't understand or are over dramatic but that is how they explained it to me.
My main point remains that just creating a system to cover people without addressing the reason the costs are so high makes no sense, especially if a portion of the cost are being transferred to other hard working people. And don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying those benefitting aren't hard working people. But a lot of hard working business owners, and their employees have suffered under the plan. There are great parts of the plan as well. And as I mentioned, it is crazy to support or oppose it in it's entirety based on political party. And I'm not saying you are Chad. I actually really enjoy your perspective on issues. You honestly seem to have a set of beliefs because it is what you believe and not because there is a party label to it. If more people could figure that out we may actually accomplish something.
Yay Idaho. They kept saying they would address the gap caused by failure to participate, but never did. But wingnut politics is nothing new here. Can Helen (Chenoweth), not salmon. For example.What state are you in?
Is your governor a Republican?
Did he/she decline federal Medicaid expansion funds that were an integral part of the ACA?
Because that might be a big part of the problem right there.
Howdy all! The wife and kids and I "marched" in DC on Saturday. The marching was confused, but the rally was fucking massive. I was at the Rally for Sanity and this was far larger...multiple times. It has me feeling a level of positivity that has been absent since November 8th. My wife was worried about potential conflicts given the Trump supporters that would still be in town, but was glad we did it (I kinda kept pushing and my oldest came in to our room on Saturady morning thinking we should go...the night before he was afraid something bad might happen, but felt like we needed to risk it).
It was great to be a part of something so positive. Thanks to everyone that either marched somewhere or supported those that did. If we are unhappy with our leadership we have constantly let them know and make sure we trade up at every opportunity. This downgrading shit is for the deplorables.
I love this. I have loved seeing the positive posts on Facebook from friends who participated in DC, and elsewhere. Even Ketchum, Idaho had over 1,100 gathered.Howdy all! The wife and kids and I "marched" in DC on Saturday. The marching was confused, but the rally was fucking massive. I was at the Rally for Sanity and this was far larger...multiple times. It has me feeling a level of positivity that has been absent since November 8th. My wife was worried about potential conflicts given the Trump supporters that would still be in town, but was glad we did it (I kinda kept pushing and my oldest came in to our room on Saturady morning thinking we should go...the night before he was afraid something bad might happen, but felt like we needed to risk it).
It was great to be a part of something so positive. Thanks to everyone that either marched somewhere or supported those that did. If we are unhappy with our leadership we have constantly let them know and make sure we trade up at every opportunity. This downgrading shit is for the deplorables.
But just taking away the ACA without having a plan in place is just political theater that will harm millions of people. The ACA isn't perfect and its main focus was getting everyone covered so nobody had to choose between death and bankruptcy.
Because fraud isn't the problem.I am physically in Florida but the folks I know who have been hit the hardest are in several other states. And I don't know the details or mechanics of how things changed for them, just that those costs rose significantly specifically due to the mandates of the ACA. And the rates at my municipality same thing. And I'm not intimately familiar with the details of the plan. And I'm not really one who worries about which party's fault it is. I don't blame the former administration or anything like that. I am not political in that way. My point is, it's not an affordable plan for everyone. It may indeed help many but it is hurting many as well and that I don't think we can fix it by simply creating some "plan". Everyone knows there is widespread fraud in the industry so why make a plan to make sure all of the fraud gets paid for?
Yep.Just to weigh in on insurance, fuck insurance. Especially when you require a specialty that doesn't take insurance. Bring on single payer.
I would've punched him in his tiny pickle.So I'm not even in the door two minutes this morning when a guy asks me if I took my daughter to DC this weekend "to see all the vaginas."
Just to weigh in on insurance, fuck insurance. Especially when you require a specialty that doesn't take insurance. Bring on single payer.