OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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So if you didn't vote, you didn't buy a ticket. The George Carlin theory.

Not just that. I mean, if you're generally on board with American exceptionalism, consumer capitalism, white male privilege, American/Western politico-military hegemony, and the whole shebang with all the trimmings you have purchased a ticket. And there are very few middle class Americans who can legitimately demonstrate that they aren't on board. If one itty bit of it breaks bad for you, the third world is gonna make with the tiny violins.

It's our ticket booth and our ride. We deserve what we get.

Look how united America was back in the grunge era. Trump is going to reverse our national embarrassments just like Lex Luth... I mean Lux Luger.
Didn't watch but I heard some idiot setting off firecrackers when I got up to pee, probably around the time of swearing in.
Not surprising. I mean climate change is obviously a hoax invented by the Chinese to take all of our jobs and being lesbian or gay is a choice. If you choose that so be it.

Even if being gay is a choice, that doesn't mean people should be dicks about it. Get consent and fuck who you wanna fuck. Don't fuck over people based on who they wanna fuck.

Essentialism is bad, m'kay.
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