OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Manning actually has served more time than others like her. I saw a thing on Maddow last night about other leakers and the sentences they received. One guy got several years but only served a few months and was paroled. Another plead to a lesser charge and got probation.
Lots of products actually. And Trump also proposed a 35% tariff on German cars this morning as well. I am not very knowledgeable about the global economy (or the domestic one for that matter either) but it seems like this could start a trade war that would result in a national or even global recession.

For a guy who claims to be a business genius, so much of what he floats out there just doesn't make any sense. I see pundits say that this is just his way of establishing an unreasonable outside position on a topic so he can later negotiate to a more reasonable & favorable conclusion. But when you're that far out in the weeds, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously as a negotiating partner?
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Can someone explain to me why affordable health care for everyone is such a terrible idea? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around why this is a controversial idea.

Socialism, gawd dammint. You want health care? earn it. It's goes hand in hand with the whole entitlements/welfare state thing that Republicans despise these days.
Can someone explain to me why affordable health care for everyone is such a terrible idea? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around why this is a controversial idea.

I said years ago when Obama first got elected, the right is brilliant at convincing their base that something that is a no brainer and everyone should be excited about is really terrible and they must revolt.
For a guy who claims to be a business genius, so much of what he floats out there just doesn't make any sense. I see pundits say that this is just his was of establishing an unreasonable outside position on a topic so he can later negotiate to a more reasonable & favorable conclusion. But when you're that far out in the weeds, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously as a negotiating partner?
As someone who has been a small business person for years if and when someone has approached me with such off the mark starting position or proposal they immediately get binned. Thats just how I look at it. I don't have time for that shit and I don't feel like you're serious about doing business with me.
Socialism, gawd dammint. You want health care? earn it. It's goes hand in hand with the whole entitlements/welfare state thing that Republicans despise these days.

I know. :(

I'm just having a hard time understanding how this is a defensible position anymore, let alone how so many people buy into it wholeheartedly. Not just with healthcare but with a lot of things.
I know. :(

I'm just having a hard time understanding how this is a defensible position anymore, let alone how so many people buy into it wholeheartedly. Not just with healthcare but with a lot of things.

I think it springs out of the belief that everyone is capable of being a contributor/earner in our society and giving them something for free, paid by the tax payers, encourages them to be free loaders & is akin to stealing. Not saying it makes sense to me but that's what I've seen expressed numerous times.
I think it springs out of the belief that everyone is capable of being a contributor/earner in our society and giving them something for free, paid by the tax payers, encourages them to be free loaders & is akin to stealing. Not saying it makes sense to me but that's what I've seen expressed numerous times.

Just another myopic view of a given thing. Instead of seeing what is really there or what a given program is really about. let's black & white / good or bad everything and put it into one box or the other. The Republican ability to sell every contributor/earner paying into a pool that supports every other other contributor/earner with healthcare needs as bad has been astonishing. They've literally been doing it for at least half a century.

And forget about it being a foundation to preventive medicine. If everyone has free (or at least "affordable") healthcare, everyone should go to the doctor regularly. No worrying about the cost of checkups and sick visits, you just go. With anywhere from a small to MASSIVE financial roadblock removed, patients and physicians can work on maintaining health and working towards helping patients prevent high cost illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, minimize the risks of cancers (depending upon the type).

Preventive medicine should be one of the foundations of any healthcare system. But the GOP doesn't want the government regulating anything. So when it is suggested (in discussion or via bills) that we tax junk food, fast food, soda, fatty foods, and other foods known to be a regular part of the diets of that are known to contribute to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer to help offset the costs associated with providing reactionary healthcare to the people that consume it (it's inevitable), it's "over-regulation!", "preventing freedom of choice", "the government getting too involved in personal life choices!", etc. And that leads to the obvious hypocrisy related to women's and gender health issues that the GOP is all over regulated or, more precisely, eliminating.

The GOP is all about throwing out a tub full of babies to get rid of dirty bath water. They are so much more in the pocket of the health insurance folks that it's literally been a conflict of interest for decades. And the health insurance big picture is not about prevention and curing's ideally (to the CEOs and such) about profiting off of the management of chronic diseases. So, they love heart disease, diabetes, treatable/beatable cancers (because they'll likely come back). Any form of socialized medicine cuts into the insane profits of the healthcare business...and the people that make the real $$$ off of that aren't interested in providing quality care to our nation on the cheap.

Think about the industries that will have profits slashed if we were to move to single payer system w/ price controls. Then think about how much money those industries dump into politics between campaign contributions, lobbying efforts and other opportunities provided to members & former members of our government. A meager tax break is a pittance in comparison.
Think about the industries that will have profits slashed if we were to move to single payer system w/ price controls. Then think about how much money those industries dump into politics between campaign contributions, lobbying efforts and other opportunities provided to members of our government. A meager tax break is a pittance in comparison.

Call it what it is. Corporate welfare.
Yeah, but some would counter that's OK because they are wealth builders and job creators so corporate welfare benefits many & provides 'ROI'

I argue that if you're going to oppose welfare and single payer healthcare because everyone should be on equal footing, then you should go all the way and oppose welfare for everyone, corporations included.

Switching gears:

Can someone explain to me why affordable health care for everyone is such a terrible idea? I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around why this is a controversial idea.

Prosperity gospel! Jesus wants us to work hard, be faithful, and prosper. People who don’t have health care are just bad Christians and need to get to church. This Christian sect has become popular in the USA and two prosperity preachers will be part of Trump’s inauguration. To some extent LDS is also a prosperity theology.
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