OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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The Democrats don't have the cohesion Republicans do. They spend too much time arguing amongst themselves. All Republicans get in line eventually, or they're forced out. Democrats take themselves down from the inside.

I was originally talking about Fox and Limbaugh but we went sideways at some point. I'm not sure who drives the right, is it Fox/conservative talk or the RNC?
Because it's easier to point at someone and say "Your life sucks because that guy snuck across the border and took your job and that guy over there used his food stamps to buy a Cadillac" than it is to convince someone "vote for me and we'll have a job training program for you and in 5 years maybe you'll have a better job and I'll get you at least a basic level of health care." The predominant strain of conservatism is operating largely on the lizard brain level.

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A fellow could make a few duckets if you knew what companies PE Trump was going to tweet about and in what context a couple minutes before he hit send.

perhaps he will take those steps over the legal line. high crimes & misdemeanors time. but i guess there would never be enough votes in the house to do anything about it. the hubris to blatantly, openly be corrupt and thumb your nose at the world.

I know everyone is having lots of fun with the pee parade but reality this absurdity just adds fuel to the fire and more static to the whole 'fake news' noise
Granted, buzzfeed was always too much clickbaity junk to really be considered a credible news source but this rationalization for publishing those fabricated Trump stories straight up cops to a complete lack of journalistic integrity while claiming to be journalists. This literally reasons they can publish anything, no matter how absurdly fictional, as news with out any responsibility what so ever for the fact checking the content.

I know everyone is having lots of fun with the pee parade but reality this absurdity just adds fuel to the fire and more static to the whole 'fake news' noise
Granted, buzzfeed was always too much clickbaity junk to really be considered a credible news source but this rationalization for publishing those fabricated Trump stories straight up cops to a complete lack of journalistic integrity while claiming to be journalists. This literally reasons they can publish anything, no matter how absurdly fictional, as news with out any responsibility what so ever for the fact checking the content.

IMO, while the whole pee part of the story is funny, there are other things in that dossier that point to actual corruption and point to ties with russia that are way to close and tight and if those claims are even 10% true, trump should not be president. he owes 100's of millions to russian oligarchs (gov't officials).

the claims in that document MUST be run down and how much of them are true determined. if it turns out that it's all fabricated crap, then the fabricatee(s) should go to jail.

there is some serious stuff in that document. if left unchecked, possibly freedom ending stuff.
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Liberals are completely fucking up their way of dealing with the Trump presidency. The Buzzfeed story was garbage and that was obvious—if this had been circulating in the media for months there wasn’t a real story there. And today there’s this L. L. Bean garbage that has liberals up in arms. People are demanding clemency for the usuals who won’t get it—Peltier, Mumia, Snowden, Manning. Instead of organizing meaningful protests people are just standing up and yelling at confirmation hearings.

And while everybody is being a slacktivist and bitching on social media about stupid stuff the GOP is going to pack the government with fucktards and fuck over the health insurance system even more. The GOP is going to spend the next four years steamrolling this country because everybody is too busy with clickbait. No wonder Trump won. Liberal politicos are clueless and the leadership sucks. If Bernie wants to sweep in and take over the DNC base, this is the perfect time.
Despite the outcome of the election, the notion for months prior was that there are a hell of lot of non-liberals that dislike Trump too. Further and also despite the GOP rhetoric, the news mainstream news media is generally middle of the road as opposed to overtly liberal. It's just that the right keeps edging further right and seeing anything to the immediate left as opposed to their agenda.

And sadly social media has dominated the discussion on both sides. The biggest mistake the liberals make is assuming the people aren't dumb enough to fall for or buy into a complete piece of shit like the president regret. Assuming that most of our population are rational and will see what is really in their best interests has become a suckers game. Hell, even well explained dialog about what the "liberals" want to do that also shows that GOP policies and agendas will directly subvert their claims of helping the middle class and poor doesn't work.

The diametric opposition is so strong that there's nothing the libs/Dems are going to do to get most of the Trump voters to vote for any Dem or in favor a policy they bring to the table. It seems like these people would oppose a Democratic-proposed bill that would send them each $1,000 and help kids with cancer in favor of a Republican-proposed bill that would only send them $999 and not provide aid to help with childhood cancer.

It's really the GOP that's the problem. The majority were opposed to a Trump candidacy through much of the campaign. While a virtual handful stuck to their guns, garnering respect from me, most of them sadly and pathetically fell in line behind a man that they felt was bad for the country and their party ( as well as the perception thereof). They didn't even try to unseat during the convention...probably their best shot at knocking him down. Those supposedly interested where either talked or strong-armed down. I think they were resigned to the idea that there would be at least another four years of a Democrat in the White House and were looking to a more unified front in 2020. Instead the douche bag won and now they have to play along if they want to be a part of the process for the next four years and avoid being drained from their swamp.

The distractions are bullshit and while one side buys into the other complains about how those folks are either jealous, stupid, elitists, entitled, mindless, followers, libtards, racists, unpatriotic, un-American, and too many other dicky pointless unhelpful casting of aspersions. Both sides are rather short-sighted and myopic, but one side does not deal in dismissing facts and qualified people in favor of gut feelings and loud mouthed assholes (not just the candidates).

Ima stop now. I gotta try and avoid this thread again. If anyone is coming to the march on the 21st, maybe we can meet up. Peace everyone.
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