So between the appointments and last dying breathes of the Stein recount I can't help but wonder why we don't have minimum requirement rules for politicians and employees as well as mandated automatic recounts when the differences between vote totals are say 0.5% (more or less depending upon the state's population)?
The recount would just be a backup measure and should be done by a different independent entity than those that tracked and counted the original vote. Non-partisan, maybe even a foreign office (Canada, UK, Australia, where the fuck ever) with little direct interest in the outcome. Fuck it, make it two recounts, just to be safe.
As to can not teach (long-term), practice law, medicine/nursing, librarianship, and many (so very many) more without degrees or advanced degrees showing a level of theoretical and usually actual practical knowledge and expertise in these fields (residencies, practicums, etc.). Other areas of healthcare also have minimum education and certification requirements, as do carpenters, plumbers, electricians, real estate agents, and again nearly countless other professions.
Our senators, representatives, and even presidents merely require a minimum age, citizenship, and inhabitants in the state/nation that they are serving. We get extra strict with the President and require them (really it's just him at this point) to be a natural born U.S. citizen. The Supreme Court has a little more rigor requiring they be "trained in the law"...but they have no stated age, education, or native-born citizen requirements. Could we set the fucking bar any lower?
Yes, I know that the vast majority of those that have served in Congress, the SCOTUS, and as POTUS have been lawyers and/or served in legislative or executive positions previously, but shouldn't there be a higher mandated minimum set of qualifications for at least Senators and especially for the President and SCOTUS appointees.
That leads to cabinet and other appointed flawed is our system that someone without an education degree and real classroom and administrative experience can be appointed to being the head of the Department of Education? Moreso, particularly when this essentially unqualified individual's biggest statements on the subject have been to dismantle the system. Privatizing education is a bad idea...on a national level this would be the first step towards making ALL education pay-to-play (or learn as the case may be). Similarly with the Environmental Protection about a degree in environmental law and/or science? Wait, and I know this is crazy, but how about BOTH? This wouldn't stop/preclude you from being "anti-environment", but it would at least show that you understand the laws and science of the department. Same with the DoD, HUD, SoS, etc. If I can't get my line to the sewer system unclogged by (and have the work guaranteed) by someone without certification, why can some know-nothing asshat that ANY given President likes or feels beholden to be able to make decisions about how education is run in this country?
None of this guarantees that any of these people will be the best at their jobs, but it would assuage concerns. A civil service exam for all elected or would-be elected officials. How about Presidential candidates need to have served in at least in a state legislative position, but ideally an executive branch position (governor or lt. gov), U.S. Congress position, or POTUS cabinet appointment (having met the minimum qualifications for those positions as well)? Proven expert knowledge in a chosen field seems a fair requirement for employment, yet we have NONE for our elected officials. Massive flaw. Again, it's not about your party and is a retroactive complaint for modern Presidential appointments as well. Cronyism is shite. Using it when appointing unqualified people to staggeringly important positions should be condemned and stopped.
Sadly history has shown us, however, that one party would vehemently oppose this would at least half of the general population. This obtuse perspective speaks to ignorance and the notion of things being unfair, you know like how children complain about bedtime, eating their veggies, and other stupid shit.
Everyone has and would still have the opportunity to use their mind to become a part of the process. If you want to be a part of whatever change you envision, become qualified and enter the fray.
Sorry...just another rant that I needed to vent.