And this facebook gem that a friend of mine posted. He's a freelance reporter (and a funny fuck).
Yeah, journalism was a big family maternal grandfather was a producer that worked with Walter Cronkite, Rather, even Murrow for a spell. CBS news may have fallen from grace, but when my grandfather worked there, they were the TV news of record. Real journalism inherently minimizes bias. And even if a journalist has personal bias for or against something, when they do their job correctly (reporting the facts that they have confirmed/verified through multiple sources) their bias is generally buried.
This truthiness post-fact world if totally fucked. All the alt-right dickheads that think everyone is out to get them can get their fix endlessly on the unregulated superhighway. It is now of the "information" (the quotes are important and sarcastic) or mis-information variety, but as the following quote from Nilsson's The Point points out...
-- One of the first things Oblio and Arrow noticed about the Pointless Forest was that all the leaves on all the trees had points, and all the trees had points. In fact, even the branches of all the trees pointed in different directions, which seemed a little strange for a pointless forest. […] Oblio told the Rock Man that they were banished and asked him whether or not this was the Pointless Forest.
The Rock Man said, “Say, babe, there ain’t nothing pointless about this gig.
The thing is you see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear. You dig? Did you ever see Paris?”
“Did you ever see New Delhi?”
“Well, that’s it.
You see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear.”
That's the world we live in now. Why be bogged down with the reality of the world and your global surroundings when you can get your information (sans verification or what too many people now view as minutia, that being factual details) when you can find a choose to believe the "news" and information that suits you.
Yay us!