Don't interpret this as an attack in any way...just a question & thought on media bias.
What news sources do you consider fair & unbiased?
Is it possible that an article on a biased site, in your opinion, could actually be correct?
It's so easy to dismiss an entire article based on perceived or actual bias of the source, without even addressing the content of the article, it's supporting information or underlying research (if any) just with a blanket, oh that source is biased!
To me this 'blanket bias killshot' stifles dialog about a topic. Yes, there are plenty of clearly unsubstantiated pieces of trash out there masquerading as news articles that should not be included in a discussion but we're moving to a place were any source referenced in a discussion can always be negated as false/biased by an opposing opinion. You see this happens on both the left and the right.
As an example, I could counter that examined snopes articles on the 2012 election amid numerous bias allegations at the time & determined they were not biased. Then all you have to do is claim, "of course, is biased" and the circle continues on forever.....where does it end if we only accept information that confirms our beliefs and opinions and don't dig a little?
see.....the news stations should put THAT on the evening news, big and bold.
maybe it would wake a few people up, that keep saying they're "not sure yet".
For me, when I do read articles and there's something that doesn't sound right, I'll go and look up those bits and pieces. The hard part (nowadays anyway) is that having to use multiple search engines to weed out click bait articles, search engine bias (google, I'm looking at you), and finding articles that provide more information on what I'm looking for with solid references.
I don't try and say "media bias" or whatever bias for the sake of stifling the conversation, but when you know that a source that's being used as a counterargument is slanted in one direction versus providing real facts, then I guess you could say that's another way of introducing a circular argument.
To answer your question in regards to news sources that I consider fair are ones that bring up more information and provide sources that you don't often see in mainstream news sites. Bias is everywhere unfortunately, but it's looking beyond that for just the information that's a challenge. I think it's just that I'm in the minority within this thread, because I'm not a Hillary supporter. I think what gets lost is that people don't recognize the attacks from all the media outlets on Trump and his campaign to knock him out of the race. Those are the same tactics that have been used against Dems and Repubs for years. Those tactics are what keep good people from gaining traction (from any party) and the main reason why we're always asking "Why do we always have crap to choose from?" every election cycle.
why? it saves them time and effort. they don't have to take anything out of context. just publish/broadcast as is.I especially find the media's sleazy and distateful tactic of quoting Trump verbatim and showing video footage of him to be unsavory and vicious.
so.....a circular source fail?Oh wait...that source can't be trusted to post facts that were directly quoted from the source in another news source.
For me, when I do read articles and there's something that doesn't sound right, I'll go and look up those bits and pieces. The hard part (nowadays anyway) is that having to use multiple search engines to weed out click bait articles, search engine bias (google, I'm looking at you), and finding articles that provide more information on what I'm looking for with solid references.
I don't try and say "media bias" or whatever bias for the sake of stifling the conversation, but when you know that a source that's being used as a counterargument is slanted in one direction versus providing real facts, then I guess you could say that's another way of introducing a circular argument.
To answer your question in regards to news sources that I consider fair are ones that bring up more information and provide sources that you don't often see in mainstream news sites. Bias is everywhere unfortunately, but it's looking beyond that for just the information that's a challenge. I think it's just that I'm in the minority within this thread, because I'm not a Hillary supporter. I think what gets lost is that people don't recognize the attacks from all the media outlets on Trump and his campaign to knock him out of the race. Those are the same tactics that have been used against Dems and Repubs for years. Those tactics are what keep good people from gaining traction (from any party) and the main reason why we're always asking "Why do we always have crap to choose from?" every election cycle.
why? it saves them time and effort. they don't have to take anything out of context. just publish/broadcast as is.
i was attempting to ADD to his sarcasm, sarcasticallyTime to recalibrate your sarcasm detector.
encourage others, those who I want to encourage, to get out and vote.
Well, I certainly don't discourage that. I just might not go out of my way to knock on their door.I encourage everyone to go out and vote, even if they're voting for a candidate I don't support. Use your voice. It's all we've got.
There's also a massive difference between NYT and WSJ having a bias and sites like and just being blatant right-wing propagandists.I hate that a bunch of non-journalists have decided that journalism can't be trusted using the mass communication mediums created by the journalism industry.
A news organization, e.g.: the New Your Times, can have bias as a far as political support and editorial (read: columnist bias) while not compromising their journalistic integrity. I don't dismiss Wall Street Journal books reviews because I know their editorial offices are conservative, so I don't dismiss their coverage of actual events anymore than those of the NYT because I think they're going to load it with right-wing agenda bullshit.
Also, I can generally spot the bullshit. A certain level of illiteracy, based on reading comprehension, critical thinking, and retention has fed into the bullshit machine that the right spend far more time manipulating than the left have ever even thought about. The "liberal" journalists and news organizations spend far too much time trying to prove to too much of the population (relying on a notion of them having sense and being capable of rational thought) that a significant amount of the "information" being disseminated by the...we'll call them the fair and balanced total fucking bullshit.
The consumers of this stuff have deluded themselves into enjoying shit Twinkies. A significant amount of people are convinced that education is bad on some level and are sure that every fucking thing that they don't (or don't care to) understand is out to get not only them, but ALL of us.
Fuck...pulled into the shit again.
Sometimes the facts are just liberal. Doesn't make them any less true. Just means that reality doesn't support what you think and Snopes doesn't take sides.I never said that Snopes is wrong, just saying that they're biased and not trust worthy when it comes to anything political.