OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I never said that Snopes is wrong, just saying that they're biased and not trust worthy when it comes to anything political.

Don't interpret this as an attack in any way...just a question & thought on media bias.

What news sources do you consider fair & unbiased?
Is it possible that an article on a biased site, in your opinion, could actually be correct?

It's so easy to dismiss an entire article based on perceived or actual bias of the source, without even addressing the content of the article, it's supporting information or underlying research (if any) just with a blanket, oh that source is biased!
To me this 'blanket bias killshot' stifles dialog about a topic. Yes, there are plenty of clearly unsubstantiated pieces of trash out there masquerading as news articles that should not be included in a discussion but we're moving to a place were any source referenced in a discussion can always be negated as false/biased by an opposing opinion. You see this happens on both the left and the right.

As an example, I could counter that examined snopes articles on the 2012 election amid numerous bias allegations at the time & determined they were not biased. Then all you have to do is claim, "of course, is biased" and the circle continues on forever.....where does it end if we only accept information that confirms our beliefs and opinions and don't dig a little?
The level of ineptitude that passes for governing these days is astounding...

That being said...

Obviously there was some serious mishandling of emails and classified information...Obviously things should have been handled differently by the FBI director...Obviously there are questions that need honest answers...

But...even I, who cannot bear the thought of a Clinton presidency, has to admit that there doesn't appear to be anything that bears criminal prosecution...

I would expect the major fallout from this mess to be an FBI director looking for a new job...
I could counter that examined snopes articles on the 2012 election amid numerous bias allegations at the time & determined they were not biased. Then all you have to do is claim, "of course, is biased" and the circle continues on forever.....where does it end if we only accept information that confirms our beliefs and opinions and don't dig a little?

Imagine if Donald Trump Controlled the NSA. :facepalm:
How tyrant-proof is the world's most powerful surveillance agency? panic0
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