OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Looks like Podesta was hooked in a phishing scheme.
As a general rule even when I get legit emails that advise a password change due to questionable activity, I never follow links embedded in the email. I always open a new browser tab and go to the site in question directly, log in and update my password.

The hackers sent John Podesta an official-looking email on Saturday, March 19, that appeared to come from Google. It warned that someone in Ukraine had obtained Podesta’s personal Gmail password and tried unsuccessfully to log in, and it directed him to a website where he should “change your password immediately.”

Podesta’s chief of staff, Sara Latham, forwarded the email to the operations help desk of Clinton’s campaign, where staffer Charles Delavan in Brooklyn, New York, wrote back 25 minutes later, “This is a legitimate email. John needs to change his password immediately.”

But the email was not authentic.

The link to the website where Podesta was encouraged to change his Gmail password actually directed him instead to a computer in the Netherlands with a web address associated with Tokelau, a territory of New Zealand located in the South Pacific. The hackers carefully disguised the link using a service that shortens lengthy online addresses. But even for anyone checking more diligently, the address — “” — was crafted to appear genuine.
You would think that educating people with security clearances on schemes like this on a regular basis would be a priority. ANd just practices like you mentioned such as going to the site in a new browser window directly would save a lot of people a lot of grief.
I disagree. Everything he stands for is deplorable and you choose to affiliate yourself with, even if you try and couch it to being anti-establishment or only certain parts of his message. It is based on bigotry and hate. You choose to align yourself with that message you're going to get shit for it and it doesn't matter whether or not you like it or think it's fair.

And this isn't "my" candidate. I don't think the candidates from the other parties are bad (nor were most of the other folks in the primaries), but Trump was pretty much tied with Cruz as the worst option among the Republicans. The corrupt angle is tired. The tea party movement proved equally "corrupt" in their unwillingness or inability to understand that governance is a compromise...a give and take. Corruption on the national level is far less frequent than the local and regional level, the main place voters should be focusing on.

So the constant "corruption" cries seem to be more of I don't understand how the system works and didn't get my way for the last two Presidential election cycles, so it must be corrupt and rigged. You didn't hear this bullshit battle cry from Democrats with Bush. Dubya's administration was called out on their bullshit of WMDs, outing CIA operatives, vested interests among the administration in the oil industry and the connection between that and the Middle East. But the main focus was on voting for people that would change things. As such the Republicans had almost no chance in 2008, regardless of who was running for either party.

Yeah folks were rightful pissed off after the 2000 election, but that was a truly fucked up and suspicious situation...denying that is weak (especially with hindsight and regardless of your political affiliation).


deplorableplay adjective de·plor·able \di-ˈplȯr-ə-bəl\

Simple Definition of deplorable
: very bad in a way that causes shock, fear, or disgust
: deserving to be deplored

Full Definition of deplorable
1 : lamentable <a deplorable death>
2 : deserving censure or contempt : wretched <deplorable living conditions>


Fits perfectly given the message and vehement support of said horrible message.

Valid points.

Consider me a deplorable. :) Though I'm none of the descriptors you levied against a Trump supporter.

On the corruption issue, yes it's from top to bottom, but you can't blame Trump for calling out on it since Obama did the same thing when he ran and who could blame him?

Also there were cries of foul play when Bush ran (both times); it's just like now; but the MSM either ignored or labelled those who cried foul as conspiracy theorists. Like you alluded to, it goes on for both sides.
The corruption tag is a joke.

Let's just ask ourselves:

Which candidate would the oil and natural gas industries support?

Which candidate would the military-related industries support?

Which candidate would the pharmaceutical companies support?

Which candidate would the gun lobbyists support?

Which candidate would the pro-Israeli lobbyists support?

Which candidate would the religious right support?

And so it goes down the list.

The 'she's corrupt' rhetoric is simply an easy out for those who don't want to articulate what's really important to them.
You would think that educating people with security clearances on schemes like this on a regular basis would be a priority. ANd just practices like you mentioned such as going to the site in a new browser window directly would save a lot of people a lot of grief.

The problem in the national security world is that the people at the top effectively act with impunity. These people literally only answer to the president, cabinet officers, joint chiefs, etc—leaders who are too focused on policy to have a clue how computers work. This stuff has been happening for decades, and instead of acting on it with legislation, congress turns it into fodder for the Washington gossip mill.
I voted today. It was a pleasure!

Amusingly, being white in this area means the Trump worshipers think you are automatically one of them. The old one behind me said he's voting for Trump because "at least he's honest". :lol: Unprepared for such, I stifled an immediate burst of laughter at that, but the others nearby caught my failed attempt. Yes, it was a pleasure to vote today. :wink:
We took the kids to the next town over for some early trick-or-treating on main street. One local shop had piles of Trump stuff to give away. It way hilarious watching parents steer the kids away and refuse to let them take candy from the trumpkins.
I voted today. It was a pleasure!

Amusingly, being white in this area means the Trump worshipers think you are automatically one of them. The old one behind me said he's voting for Trump because "at least he's honest". :lol: Unprepared for such, I stifled an immediate burst of laughter at that, but the others nearby caught my failed attempt. Yes, it was a pleasure to vote today. :wink:

I have a question:
First of all I don't follow politics so I really couldn't make a political stance if anyone were to call me out on shit.....
That being said,
We all know that our system of government is completely fucked up. Every single American knows this....
Why is there absolutely nothing we can do to change the system? We all bitch about it but what can we DO about it?
Like I said, I know shit about politics but it just seems crazy that millions of Americans can't take back the system from a few hundred crooked politicians.... are they THAT powerful?
I have a question:
First of all I don't follow politics so I really couldn't make a political stance if anyone were to call me out on shit.....
That being said,
We all know that our system of government is completely fucked up. Every single American knows this....
Why is there absolutely nothing we can do to change the system? We all bitch about it but what can we DO about it?
Like I said, I know shit about politics but it just seems crazy that millions of Americans can't take back the system from a few hundred crooked politicians.... are they THAT powerful?

I have a question:
First of all I don't follow politics so I really couldn't make a political stance if anyone were to call me out on shit.....
That being said,
We all know that our system of government is completely fucked up. Every single American knows this....
Why is there absolutely nothing we can do to change the system? We all bitch about it but what can we DO about it?
Like I said, I know shit about politics but it just seems crazy that millions of Americans can't take back the system from a few hundred crooked politicians.... are they THAT powerful?

it's not the crooked politicians that are running things. it's the corporations that have bought the politicians that are running things. they are not going to allow things to change so that their profit margins go DOWN. big banks, big pharma, big insurance. changing the clowns in DC doesn't change things. new clowns just get bought by the same corps. and then do what they're told.
I have a question:
First of all I don't follow politics so I really couldn't make a political stance if anyone were to call me out on shit.....
That being said,
We all know that our system of government is completely fucked up. Every single American knows this....
Why is there absolutely nothing we can do to change the system? We all bitch about it but what can we DO about it?
Like I said, I know shit about politics but it just seems crazy that millions of Americans can't take back the system from a few hundred crooked politicians.... are they THAT powerful?

IDK. I figure that at least 65-75% of the electorate is every bit as bad as most elected officials. It's probably just a matter of opportunism.

But if you want an earnest answer, then I think that the nation needs to acknowledge that, while the constitution and the bill of rights were great pieces of 18th-century political theory, they're absolutely archaic in the 21st-century. Scrap it and start from scratch. In the past 250 yeasts, dozens of first-world nations have developed systems which have yielded successful results. The USA is all too often afraid of learning from others for fear of losing some sense of uniqueness, originality, or exceptionalism.

And so. This will, of course, not happen.
it's not the crooked politicians that are running things. it's the corporations that have bought the politicians that are running things.

It’s not the corporations. Americans have had decades to stop electing corporate tools. The complacency of the American middle class is the problem. Americans have it easy. America has big houses, lots of cars, plentiful food, and replacing military service with military careers means that poor people are generally the ones who have die in war. Americans keep voting for more of the same because, while our system is in many ways dysfunctional, it is stable and offers a surplus of ways to kill time between now and death.
it's not the crooked politicians that are running things. it's the corporations that have bought the politicians that are running things. they are not going to allow things to change so that their profit margins go DOWN. big banks, big pharma, big insurance. changing the clowns in DC doesn't change things. new clowns just get bought by the same corps. and then do what they're told.
I think on some level, at least at the beginning this is why many people were drawn to Trump. He seemed un-buyable. He since has been digging his own grave but that's another story.
Today's politicians are easily bought. If I were a politician and had big dollars being thrown at me, would I do it any different....honestly idk.
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IDK. I figure that at least 65-75% of the electorate is every bit as bad as most elected officials. It's probably just a matter of opportunism.

But if you want an earnest answer, then I think that the nation needs to acknowledge that, while the constitution and the bill of rights were great pieces of 18th-century political theory, they're absolutely archaic in the 21st-century. Scrap it and start from scratch. In the past 250 yeasts, dozens of first-world nations have developed systems which have yielded successful results. The USA is all too often afraid of learning from others for fear of losing some sense of uniqueness, originality, or exceptionalism.

And so. This will, of course, not happen.
Yeah, our founding forefathers would roll over in their grave at the way this country has turned out. Our democracy, in theory is a wonderful concept. But it really hasn't turned out that way, has it?
It’s not the corporations. Americans have had decades to stop electing corporate tools. The complacency of the American middle class is the problem. Americans have it easy. America has big houses, lots of cars, plentiful food, and replacing military service with military careers means that poor people are generally the ones who have die in war. Americans keep voting for more of the same because, while our system is in many ways dysfunctional, it is stable and offers a surplus of ways to kill time between now and death.
You make some really good points...change is difficult and we often resist it, don't we?
Yeah, our founding forefathers would roll over in their grave at the way this country has turned out. Our democracy, in theory is a wonderful concept. But it really hasn't turned out that way, has it?

A good chunk of the founding fathers were scumbags, too. The constitution never would have been ratified had northerners refused to relent re: anti-slavery legislation.
Yeah, our founding forefathers would roll over in their grave at the way this country has turned out. Our democracy, in theory is a wonderful concept. But it really hasn't turned out that way, has it?

I don't think most of them would be keen on women and blacks voting, that's for sure. Hell, my extended family isn't and they're not even FFs. :embarrassed: :facepalm:"
Not to be a dick, but you answered your own question.

Just because I don't follow politics doesn't mean I'm oblivious to how pathetic this country is run...
Maybe if my "say" actually made a difference I'd be more interested. It doesn't matter what any of us votes on, this system is fucked and it will continue to be fucked until long after we are all dead.
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