I disagree. Everything he stands for is deplorable and you choose to affiliate yourself with, even if you try and couch it to being anti-establishment or only certain parts of his message. It is based on bigotry and hate. You choose to align yourself with that message you're going to get shit for it and it doesn't matter whether or not you like it or think it's fair.
And this isn't "my" candidate. I don't think the candidates from the other parties are bad (nor were most of the other folks in the primaries), but Trump was pretty much tied with Cruz as the worst option among the Republicans. The corrupt angle is tired. The tea party movement proved equally "corrupt" in their unwillingness or inability to understand that governance is a compromise...a give and take. Corruption on the national level is far less frequent than the local and regional level, the main place voters should be focusing on.
So the constant "corruption" cries seem to be more of I don't understand how the system works and didn't get my way for the last two Presidential election cycles, so it must be corrupt and rigged. You didn't hear this bullshit battle cry from Democrats with Bush. Dubya's administration was called out on their bullshit of WMDs, outing CIA operatives, vested interests among the administration in the oil industry and the connection between that and the Middle East. But the main focus was on voting for people that would change things. As such the Republicans had almost no chance in 2008, regardless of who was running for either party.
Yeah folks were rightful pissed off after the 2000 election, but that was a truly fucked up and suspicious situation...denying that is weak (especially with hindsight and regardless of your political affiliation).
deplorableplay adjective de·plor·able \di-ˈplȯr-ə-bəl\
Simple Definition of deplorable
: very bad in a way that causes shock, fear, or disgust
: deserving to be deplored
Full Definition of deplorable
1 : lamentable <a deplorable death>
2 : deserving censure or contempt : wretched <deplorable living conditions>
Fits perfectly given the message and vehement support of said horrible message.