OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I find it simply astonishing that we have a major political party nominee for the office of President of The United States advising Americans to view a woman's sex tape so we can determine that she is, in fact, a fatty. :messedup:
Also, let us move on from the talk about killing off various generations of people. I've received a bunch of comments and reports about that content. Hard to imagine that we made it through nearly 300 pages of political discussion with very few issues only to have a lot of people come unglued about the obviously ridiculous suggestion that we commit some generation based genocide. No one is going to kill anyone. Every generation blames every other generation for the problems in the world; so it has always been, and so it shall always be.
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Also, let us move on from the talk about killing off various generations of people. I've received a bunch of comments and reports about that content. Hard to imagine that we made it through nearly 300 pages of political discussion with very few issues only to have a lot of people come unglued about the obviously ridiculous suggestion that we commit some generation based genocide. No one is going to kill anyone. Every generation blames every other generation for the problems in the world; so it has always been, and so it shall always be.

Guys, I don't have time to babysit shit like this and if I'm using Tapatalk on my phone between sets on a gig I do NOT get moderation reports so lets all just chill the fuck out and have conversations.
Six companies control 90% of US media outlets. At this point, I think "the media" is a fair shorthand phrase. However you slice it the fifth estate is failing badly at its job, and has been for quite some time. Since the beginning of media consolidation 20-25 years ago, really. I wonder why.

The media has convinced you of this.
The media has convinced you of this.

Which part, the part about media consolidation (which is a verifiable fact) or the idea that "the media" is doing a piss-poor job of keeping the electorate informed, and has been ever since news became a profit center?

Guys, I don't have time to babysit shit like this and if I'm using Tapatalk on my phone between sets on a gig I do NOT get moderation reports so lets all just chill the fuck out and have conversations.

No, they stayed home saying one of two things:
  1. Bernie's got this locked up
  2. Bernie can't win
Either case was in large enough numbers that Bernie would have won.

A very significant percentage of them also were first time voters who didn't make much effort to understand the process, and didn't have their ducks in a row (proper registration, proper place and time, etc.) when it came time to cast their votes. So a quite a few of them didn't get to vote due to their own errors.

And then cried about it being a conspiracy against them.
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